106. Wouldn't That Be Grand!

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''Prince Aegon's not to be found within the castle walls, Your Grace." Criston informed Alicent. "Aislynn just told me that your father has sent Ser Erryk into the city to find him. Ser Erryk knows Aegon. He has the advantage." Criston remarked and Alicent nodded.

"I trust again to you, Ser Criston, and to your loyalty." Alicent told him and Criston nodded. "Aegon must be found, and he must be brought to me. The very fate of the Seven Kingdoms depends on it." Alicent instructed. Criston nodded. 

''I will not fail you.'' Criston assured.

"I know you wont... Aislynn doesnt like losers." Alicent teased. 

"I'll come with you." Aemond said getting up.

''That would not be my desire, Aemond.'' Alicent told him honestly. ''If anything has happened...''

''Cole needs me, Mother. Ser Erryk isn't the only one who knows Aegon's doings.'' Aemond reminded her.

"Me too!" Jaeton declared. 

"Your mother-" Criston began. 

"Dad, come on, you need me. I'm clearly the muscle." Jaeton declared. 

"You have to listen to me." Criston begged. Jaeton saluted him. 

"No problem daddio, I'm-"

"You know half the time your mother calls her father daddio when shes going to lie." Criston remarked. 

"Well I promise not to." Jaeton offered with a sneaky smile. "Come on! It will be fun!" 


"Ohh Ali I have a thought." Aislynn remarked as she got Emmett and Cammie changed and ready for the day. It was a late night and she let them sleep in past the guards and ruckus around them, they were not morning people. 

"Oh?" Alicent mused. 

"Aegon cant be found and the realms need some direction." 

"Whats wrong with Aegon?" Clayton said through a yawn. 

"Viserys is dead and Aegon is to be king, keep up honey." Aislynn declared pressing a kiss to his cheek. 

"Aegons gonna be king? Thats awesome!" Clayton declared. Alicent chuckled. 

"Death doesnt really phase your children." She remarked. 

"Not really." Clayton agreed as he moved to Cammie she held up her doll to him happily. 

"Anyways as I was saying... New solution!" Aislynn declared. "Aislynn for queen, wouldnt that be grand!" 


"Aegon brought me to the Street of Silk on my thirteenth name day." Aemond remarked he had a hood pulled high over his head. ''It was his duty as my brother, he said, to ensure I was as educated as he was. At least that's what I understood him to mean.''

''I don't follow.'' Criston said as they knocked again.

''He said, "Time to get it wet." Aemond clarified. Jaetons face pinched. 

"I'm a good brother compared to Aegon." Jaeton decided. 

"You are." Criston agreed.  "Every woman is an image of the Mother, to be spoken of with reverence." Criston knocked again impatiently. 

"Is that how you talk to mum?" Jaeton countered. 

"really gets her in the mood." Aemond teased. "Poliet mannerisms and kind kisses."

"Stop." Criston begged.  A whore opened the door and stared back at them a smirk on her lips. '' Sometime last night, we... misplaced our drinking companion. Knowing that he has been, in the past, a patron of your fine establishment, we thought to inquire here as to his whereabouts."

"And describe him.''

''That is a delicate matter.' Criston said softly. ''You see, the man we seek is the young Prince Aegon. I may trust, I hope, in the discretion of your trade.'' The whore chuckled.

''The Prince is not here.''

''Has he been here? Earlier, perhaps?''

''Quite a bit earlier. Years ago, in fact.''

"Not helpful lady." Jaeton sassed. 

''But more recently?'' Criston offered hopefully.

''He does not frequent the Street of Silk. His tastes are known to be... less discriminating." She informed them.

'' Meaning what?' Criston asked confused.

''I wish you luck, good Ser. And my best to your friend.'' She locked eyes with Aemond. He stared back a moment ''How you've grown.'' Aemond turned back around following Criston feeling awkward.

"Oh fuck, that old lady was-" Jaeton began but Aemond clamped a hand over his mouth. 


"Viserys amended his wishes. It's as simple as that." Otto sat on the iron throne. ''You once swore your banners to Rhaenyra. You must now pledge them to the future king." Otto instructed the great houses of westeros.

''I must confer first with my house on this matter.''

''You'll not leave this room without declaring your intention.'' Aislynn corrected.

''I am no oath breaker... I will not bend the knee.'' Otto huffed out a breath.

''Anyone else?'' Otto countered.

" House Fell... keeps its sworn oath to the Princess." Lord Fell declared.

"Idiots." Aislynn murmured. "I dont know how you put up with such idiotic people all day long." Otto held back a smile. 

''Very well, Lord Fell'' Otto agreed nodding to the knight, those faithful to Rhaenyra were escorted out. Everyone else fell to their knees.

"Lord Fell should have taken after his namesake and fucking fallen to his knees." Aislynn declared. 

''Long live the King.''

'' Long live the King.' They echoed.

''It seems you were mistaken as to Aegon's habits." Criston remarked as they walked

"He could be in the hands of mercenaries, on a ship to Yi Ti. He could be dead." Aemond offered nonchalantly.

" Let us hope, for your mother's sake, that is not the case." Criston offered kindly.

"King Aemond, has a nice ring." Jaeton offered and it made Aemond smile. 

It's Time To Go // Criston Cole // Harwin StrongUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum