"Yeah." Noel whispered. "It seems like the least we could do is get these bastard out of here."

Remus nooded and looked around to make sure the coast was clear. "We're going to have to split up, be safe."

Noel nodded frantically and Remus quickly moved away.

She left her hiding spot and decided to follow the natural way that her body led her. She made sure to keep her wand drawn and was actively looking out for any students who were out of bed. She knew Lucy had a horrible habit of going out at night and wished that tonight the little girl had decided to stay in her common room. But as the saying goes, old habit die hard.

Noel groaned at the sight of Lucy and one of her friends. She quickly grabbed both of their arms and dragged them into a nearby broom closet. "Lucy, what the hell!" Noel scolded, using the tip of her wand to illuminate the room.


"Listen to me." She said urgently, "there are Death Eaters in the castle. You and your friend have to stay here okay? Don't argue with me!" Noel said, when Lucy opened her mouth to say something. "These are very dangerous people Lucy, so, you are going to stay here. I don't know where they are and I don't want to risk taking you to your common room. I will come back, I promise, I will come back to get you."

"What are you going to do?' Lucy whispered, fear dancing her in her eyes. "I am going to go protect the castle because that's my job. Your job is to stay here and be quite."


"Lucy I love you. I will come back." Noel smiled, and placed a hand on her head, "I know you Lucy. But you can't help. Drink some of this, nothing bad will happen to you."

Lucy slowly took a few drops of the potion and sat back with her friend. "I love you too Noel."

The corridor was full of commotion. The Order members and the few students there were fighting and duelling each other. There seemed to be a big blond man firing spells sloppily. The only light illuminating the hall was the bright Dark Mark and the accompanying stars. Noel looked at the sky briefly and wondered for a split second if their intricate connection would save her from her demise.

The killing curse narrowly missed her. Noel gasped and made sure she paid attention to what was going on. From their location near the Astronmy tower, the mark was seriously bright.

Everyone seemed to be in their won world, making sure that they had the Death Eaters attention so they would't wonder off and cause harm to anyone other than the group of people there. As Noel moved swiftly and efficiently she felt her like her head was going to split open.

Someone was hurt.

She rolled her shoulders back and didn't let her pain show, not wanting her Death Eater to use it as a weakness. With her head splitting itself in half and her body being on fire Noel sent the Death Eater flying back. They flew into a post with a scream.

Noel quickly found the body, there was blood everywhere. It was so dark she couldn't recognize who it was. Noel gagged at the smell, it didn't smell like iron. It smelled like rotten flesh. Shaking with fear, Noel's shaky hands hovered over the injured body. When the gold bands illuminated her place she knew that it was an Order Member, the only reason how she knew it was Bill Weasley was from the bright ginger hair and the fang earring. Noel did as much as she could but before she could finish there was a quiet rasping from the shadows.

"Oh... a little cub." He said menacingly.

Noel ignored him... she was sure that he could sense the fear in her. She was seventeen ... how did her father feel when he was merely four?

too close to the stars - H.J.PDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora