Mukti: (to Abhi) What's going on?

Manik: (who was standing at the door) I will tell you.

He went inside the room and glared at Nandini who was glaring back at him.

Manik: This girl just can't keep herself away from injury. A few minutes back she injured her leg while walking she knocked her right foot on the corner of the bed. So I scolded her a bit and now she got angry and she came here to complain to you guys. 

He said all this while glaring at Nandini.

Manik: And you little girl it's too late let's go back to our room.

Nandini: (she immediately hugged Abhi) No I am not going anywhere with you. I am not going to talk with you. 

Manik: (he went towards her) Nandini are you coming or do you want me to force you?

She stood up on the bed and went far away from everyone standing in one corner of the bed. 

Nandini: (throwing tantrums) No No I won't come. 

Mukti: Baby get down from bed you might fall down.

Manik: (controlling his anger) You are putting yourself in more trouble.

Nandini: (mimicking him) You are putting yourself in more trouble.

Mukti: (whispering to Abhi) Few hours back both of them were clinging to each other, sharing romantic moments, and now see.

Abhi: (chuckles) Some things can never change.

They both were brought out of their talks by a scream. They saw Nandini was about to fall from the bed but Manik was fast enough to hold her.

Mukti: (mummering) Now she is gone.

Manik: (trying to control his anger) Are you done with your drama?

She nods while looking down. He throws her over his shoulders as if he is carrying some sack. 

Manik: Ok guys sorry to disturb you guys. Good night.

Saying this he went from there without waiting for their reply. 

In Manan's room:

Once they reached their room Manik laid Nandini on her side and without saying anything he went to his side of the bed. Nandini got confused because she thought that once they reach their room she was once again going to get scolded but here it was completely opposite. She got up and sat on the bed.

Nandini: Dadda? 

Manik: What?

Nandini: Ummm... Are- Are you angry?

Manik: Why do you care?

Nandini: Don't say like that. I am sorry.

Manik: (sighs) Nandini say sorry only when you mean it. Anyways it's too late. Go to sleep.

Nandini:  Dadda I know you are angry with me, you can scold me I know it's my mistake.

Manik: There's no use in scolding you. You think that I like scolding you.

Nandini: (in her mind) Isn't that true?

Manik: No it's not.

Nandini: Huh?

Manik: I can read your mind and the thoughts going in your this little brain, ok? Do you think I like scolding you? Let me tell you that you are wrong. Leave it why am I even telling you this? You just think that I like scolding you. But the fact is that I care for you. Leave it you won't understand. My care, my love, my concern for you is a joke for you na. You always keep hurting yourself. Out of 365 days only 65 days will be like that where you have not injured yourself rest of the 300 days you will be like Dadda I hurt my knee, Dadda I hurt my hand, Dadda this, Dadda that... But leave it what's the use of all this now? When I show you my concern you be like I am always just scolding you na? Ok then from today I won't say anything. In fact from now only I will stop saying anything. Ya, that's good. If you injure yourself tomorrow don't come to me crying ok? You know what I think I should bubble wrap everything that's in the house from which you can hurt yourself. Actually no, instead I should bubble wrap you only and put a tag 'Handle with Care'. You-

Nandini shuts him by pecking his lips.

Nandini: Thank god you stopped talking. Come on Dadda tonight is such a memorable day for us and don't spoil it like this. And I should also be angry with you for the stunt you pulled in the morning but I didn't say anything na.

She gives him a sad pout and his anger melted down within a second.

Manik: (pulling her onto his lap) Acha baba Dadda is sorry. I won't scold you unless and until you take care of yourself.

Nandini: I don't need to take care of myself because I have you and others who take care of me. And what you said you will bubble wrap me.

Manik: If you keep injuring yourself then I will have to bubble-wrap you to keep you safe.

Nandini: Instead of the bubble wrap I have one more option to keep myself safe.

Manik: And what is that?

Nandini: Just wrap me in your arms forever and then see not even a single scratch on me.

Manik's heart was about to burst after listening to this. His hold on tightened even more.

Manik: Nice idea I will just glue you by my side so that you won't run away from me ever.

Nandini: I will never run away from you.

Manik: Is it? (she nodded) Not even when I will make you eat veggies right?

Now she was in dilemma of how to tackle this question.

Nandini: Dadda actually we should drop this idea.

Manik: (trying to control his laughter) Why baby?

Nandini: Umm.. that- oh ha if you glued me by your side then it means I will be by your side forever then what about Bhai and Di they will feel bad na that I am not spending time with them.

After listening to this he couldn't control his laughter and started laughing loudly.

Manik: Oh God my baby you are so cute. (saying this he bites her cheeks)

Nandini: Ahh Dadda it hurts... You are so bad, you are teasing me go Nandu is angry with you.

She came down from his lap and slept on her side.

Manik: (talking with himself) Oh my baby is angry with me ha? Now, what should I do? (to Nandini) Are you sure you don't want to talk? (she nodded) Is that your final answer? (she again nodded) Ok then don't blame me for this.

Before she could even understand Manik started tickling her.

Nandini: Hahaha Dadda- HAHAHA stop- hahahaha Dadda.

Manik: First say that you forgive me.


Manik: Ok then even I won't stop.

Nandini: Hahahaha ok ok I- haha haha forgive you.

He immediately stopped tickling, letting her breathe for some time.

Nandini: (once she was breathing normally) This is not fair.

Manik: Everything is fair in love my baby. (he pecks her lips) I am so addicted to these lips. *pecks* So soft *pecks* Juicy *pecks* and just mine to savour.   

Nandini blushes and hides her face with her hands. 

Manik: (chuckles) I can never get enough of you.

Nandini: (trying to avoid his strong gaze) Ok enough now. I am sleepy. Good night.

Manik also laid on his side and took her in his embrace and pecked her forehead wishing her good night.

Somewhere on the Earth:

??: Enjoying your time without me ha? Enjoy till I am not there because once I will be back your life will be a hell, Manik Malhotra. You snatched my happiness from me, now be ready because it's your turn now.

That's all for today.

Hope you like it.

Who do you think is this new villain in the story? Or maybe old?

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