Writing and Reminiscing

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I was sitting on my bed, writing about everything that's happened in the past week. I had changed my cell phone number and barely come out of my room. Sammy and Johnson still come by twice a day and Mallory has begged Johnson to take her here. It was now 2 pm and I heard a knock on the door. It was Sammy's turn to come over and he had a key. I heard him run up the stairs and he bursted through the door.

"Everyone wants to come see you, we can't hold them off much longer, they're all worried sick about you." He said quickly.

I let out a sigh. "who all wants to come?"

"Mallory, Laine, Cora, Jacquelyn, Regan, Mack, Nate, Leigh, everyone Ems." He came over and wrapped his arms around me. "What are you writing?" I hurriedly closed my notebook and shrugged.

"Nothing important."

"Emily, please don't hide stuff from us. especially Johnson and I." I sighed and handed it to him.

"I'm not sure you're going to like everything that's in there"

He shrugged and opened it to a poem I wrote about Gilinsky and Madison. I sighed as he read.


he wore a grey hoodie, 

the same one he dressed in every day, freshman year.

I smiled and waved, for it had been so long. 

then I saw her. 

dressed in white,

low cut and short. 

I despised her and he knew it, 

everyone did.

Those long stares she used to give me,

only when I talked to you.

She would be furious.

"Don't talk to the slut"

I overheard,



over again.

I get it though,

you belong to her now.

"Emily," Sammy started. I could tell he didn't know what to say. "You can't listen to her, ever. She doesn't know what she's talking about." He pulled me closer and I melted in his arms.

"She's right, I could have done something the night Christian did all that." I sighed.

"You were drunk, you can't blame yourself for it." He kissed my head and sighed.

"You and I both know you can't avoid Jack forever." He looked me in the eyes. "You two have so much history, all of us hate to see you guys this way."

"Jack and Madison are happy, she's having his child. There's no more 'Jack and Emily against the world' Sammy. " I flashed back to kindergarden.

"Hi, I'm Emily."

"Hi, I'm Jack." The boy smiled at me. "We're going to be best friends forever." He clapped his hands.



Sammy snapped me out of my day dream for a moment and got me a blanket and closed his eyes with me in his arms.

"We just have so much history... ATSC, Westside, I cheered for him though everything. Even when The Jacks first went on tour. I was there." I sighed. "He was never there the way I was there for him." I drifted off and closed my eyes.

Heavy (j.g. & Emily Glazer)Where stories live. Discover now