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I slowly opened the door after cleaning up my razor and covering my wrists. I looked at the floor avoiding Sammy and Johnson's eyes. They would know. Hell they probably do know. I started playing with the sleeve of my shirt. FUCK.

"Let me see your wrists Emily." Sammy said looking down at me. I just shook my head. HE CAN'T KNOW. Dammit sam.

"Nah." I said simply, maybe if I act like I didn't nothing, he will believe me.

"Emily Glazer, don't make me roll them up for you." Johnson reaches for my sleeve. I sighed letting him reveal the 3 fresh cuts.

"One for Madison, one for jack and one for never being good enough for him." I whispered, hoping I was quiet enough for him not to hear. I felt tears burning in my eyes. 

"Emily, you are good enough. He doesn't deserve you. You are beautiful and strong and funny and caring and amazing and everything else." Sammy rambled on. 

"I'm going to go talk to Jack" Johnson said abruptly. I just let him go. I just wanted to hide in a hole and cry. 

"S-s-sammy" I stuttered after a few minutes of silence. "Can you take me to get some food?" I looked up at him. He kissed my forehead in a brotherly way.

"Of course." He stood up. "Would you like to change?" He looked down at my attire. I nodded. "I'll wait downstairs.

"Okay" I said. As soon as the door closed I ran to my bathroom and took out my razor again. 

He just feels sorry for you. You're worthless. He's lying to you. Jack NEVER loved you. He left you. Everyone leaves you. 

I cut once for every reason until the room was spinning. I let go and fell backwards, hitting my head. Then everything went black. 


I might do a double update today because this one was short. 



Heavy (j.g. & Emily Glazer)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora