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Once we finally got Mall and Lane out the door, Jack turned to me, "Ems, I've missed you so much." I just blushed and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 

"I've missed you too, G." He put one arm around me and led me to the couch, kissing my head. 

"So what does Ma'lady want to do?" He said sitting down. 

"Can you just hold me? It's been so long." I snuggled my head into his sholder and turned on netfix.

"Anything for you." I just smiled. 

But I couldn't get the little things sitting in the back of my mind out: the questions, the distrust, the new famous Jack Gilinsky. I feel like he was different, not the same as he was before. And now that I finally had him. I wasn't so sure if it was the right thing for me. 

I pushed those thoughts aside and fell right to sleep. 

the next morning

He kissed me awake and I was surprisingly in my room. "Good morning, G." I smiled. But I looked up to see him frowing and holding my hand.

"Why would you do this?" He asked. Please don't be talking about my scars. Please. 

"Do what?" I asked, praying that I was wrong about his answer.

"Your scars baby, why. I should've called dammit. It's all my fault. I knew it wasn't a good idea to leave you. You're just so fragile, I needed to protect you. How could I be so stupid? Dammit Emily" He yelled, almost in tears. "I LOVED YOU AND I LET YOU DO THIS. I LEFT YOU WHEN YOU NEEDED ME." 

"Baby..." I whispered. "Baby, it's okay. I'm going to be okay." I nuzzled my head into his chest. "I love you. and you're here now. That's all that matters." I kissed his chest lightly. 

"But Emily, I feel so bad, you did this to yourself. I was supposed to be there. I was your best friend, let alone in love with you." I sighed.

"Finney, It's all working out. I have you here. Why don't we go back to sleep. The crew is coming over this afternoon and it's like 4 am." He kissed my forehead.

"I'm sorry baby girl."

"Finney, stop appoligizing, it's okay." I could feel him relax.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too" I whipered back, right before I drifted back to sleep. 

Heavy (j.g. & Emily Glazer)Where stories live. Discover now