three on three

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Standing in front of me was Christian, Jack and Madison. All in a row, and all smirking at us.

"Thanks for the invite babe." Christian spoke up first.

"You weren't invited dip shit." Sammy retaliated.

"News flash, your buddy Jack invited me" he pointed at Gilinsky.

"Jack, how could you." I whispered.

"Well you weren't fucking invited either Gilinsky." Sammy started to raise his voice. Jack shrugged.

"Mallory called, said there was a party and, everyone was going. I decided to come. I'm still apart of this group."

"Well you're slut isn't." I muttered to myself.

"You can't call her a slut, you slept with Christian!" he yelled, now everyone was crowded around the six of us, Johnson stood by my side.

"You did not just say that to her Jack." Johnson said.

"Well its fucking true!" Madison piped it.


"She's having my kid don't talk to her like that!" Gilinsky yelled.

"You were dating Emily while you were with her anyways!" Johnson froze after saying that. I felt tears in my eyes and I ran down the gravel driveway, out into the street. I stopped to catch my breath, I can't believe he'd say that. That just makes me sound like more of a slut. I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Madison.

"You need to stay away from my Jack!"

"He was mine first and he will always be my Jack" I whispered.

"He may not be my Jack and this may not be his baby but he will always come back to me if he thinks I'm having his baby" Madison said

I looked up astonished "What the fuck!?"

"Just because it's not actually his baby doesn't mean you need to tell him, not that he'll believe you anyways" she did a fake bitch laugh. "It's actually Justin's, between you and me. Anyways, stay away or I'll make your life hell because I'm not going anywhere. Bye Bye, slut."

I fell to the ground and started to cry. My stomach was turning in knots I can't believe it, she's ruining jacks career, she's lying to him. It's not even his kid. Why would she this to me or jack. Wait. Why should I care?

Heavy (j.g. & Emily Glazer)Where stories live. Discover now