More Lies and Babies

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It's been two weeks since Jack has gone back to California and one since I have gotten out of the hospital. I haven't even gone back to school. Johnson and Sammy have been staying in my guest house. They insist on keeping an eye on me. Sammy and Laine have stopped hooking up and him and I have gotten really close. I miss Jack though.

Every morning, they watch me eat breakfast and try to get me to talk to Jack because apparently he has some sort of big news to share, Sammy says I won't like it. I just ignore Johnson and eat a minimal breakfast. Every day at 2 pm Johnson comes with his guitar and insists on me writing out my feelings. We've written a few songs including one called Tides and Distance, both reminding me about the friend I used to have. In some ways, I want to know why they want me to talk to Jack. But I told him to leave, its not like I can go back to him. 

I decided to turn on the radio and something caught my eye. It was a story on some wannabe named Madison Beer who's pregnant. I called for Sammy. Madison... Madison. That name was so familiar.

"Hey! Do you know some chick named Madison Beer?" I walked over to Johnson and Sammy who were still writing. Sammy looked up with fear in his eyes. 

"Em, where did you hear that name?" Sammy questioned. 

"It was on the radio, apparently she's pregnant." I looked at his fearful face. "You know her don't you?" I paused. "Is that the Madison Jack was with?" I had tears brimming in my eyes, mentally begging that I was wrong. Evidently I wasn't because Sammy and Johnson stood up and gave me a sympathetic look before hugging me. I looked down. "It is isn't it."

"Em, I think you should call Jack now." Johnson dialed on his phone than handed it to me before walking out of the room with Sammy. 

"Hey J what's up?" Jack said into the phone. I started to cry.

"Were you going to tell me Jack?" 

"Emily Baby is that you?" He answered.

"Jack, Madison is pregnant? You weren't going to tell me?" 

"I can expla-" He started to say.

"No, Jack, you can't talk your way out of this one. Have a nice life with your baby mama" I yelled into the phone before hanging up. I grabbed my keys and ran to my car, starting it and driving to get my mind of of this horrible news. 

**Filler Chapter**

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