Let's Go For A Drive

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"Hey let us in losers" Sam said from behind us. I immediately let go of Jack, remembering I'm still mad at him and went to hug Sam and Johnson. They just gave me sympathetic looks, I guess the girls all told them how rough my year has been. I just faked a smile and walked inside. 

A few hours went by, Chelsea called the rest of the guys over and we all we just hanging out in my basement like old times. Being that Jack and I used to be like their parents Regan began to whine. "Jackkkkk Emilyyyyy, can you guys go to the grocery store and get us some food and drinks and stufffffff?" Fucking A. 

Jack looked at me and smiled "Sure thing, daughter" he glanced at Reg for the last part and everyone laughed, except me. I stood up and grabbed my keys. 

"Jack, Lets Go" I yelled walking out the door. but not before overhearing Sam say dude Emily is still pissed at you for leaving her like that and Jack replying I know man, I fucked up. I sighed and walked out to my jeep. and plugged in the AUX cord and picked a song. I decided on Hazy By Rosie Golan and began to sing. Jack Finally got in as soon and I begin to drive. He decided to sing the guys part, which just made me more upset because of the words. Before the duet part I decide to change it and put on some Wiz instead. I turn into the parking lot and get out of the car.

As soon as we walk in I realize two things, everyone is going to be all over Jack and I forgot my wallet. "Jack?" 

"Baby Girl" 

"Dammit Jack, Stop It I'm mad at you. But I forgot my wallet." 

"I was going to pay anyway and what can I do to get you to forgive me."

"Jack I don't know. You left me, promised you would come home and stopped calling after Christan.... you know what Christian did." I had tears in my eyes.

"Emily, I just didn't know what to say to you. I couldn't be there for you and I wanted to, so much. If Bart would have let us come home, I would have. You have to know that." I shivered. "Lets get you inside. You're freezing"

As soon as we walk in there are a sea of gasps and "omg Jack's back in Omaha." great. I pull on his sweatshirt. "Can we do this quickly I want to go for a drive and just talk." 

"Of course Emily." He smiled and started running around grabbing snacks and then went up to get some beers. He had some connections there so he got us all some drinks on the down low. We were out in about 15 minutes and only got stopped once by some little fan. Don't get me wrong I love their fans, It just wasn't a good time. 

"LEEEES GOOO LIL G." He yells as we run to the car because it started snowing. I giggled out of habit. 

We got in the car, well here goes nothing.  

"Jack. I turned to him. I can't stand not talking to you." He just smiled.

"Same here."

"Why didn't you even check up on me? Christian basically raped me at a party and I was alone. Just because I didn't called you... It doesn't mean I didn't need to hear from you"

"I... I know." He looked down. "Johnson and Mallory kept telling me how I should call you and stuff. I guess I just felt like you would let me know if you needed me or wanted me to know.." He trailed off at that point. 

"Jack." I lifted his chin. "You have always been the one person in my life I can rely on. It killed me more that you didn't call, or text." 

"It killed me knowing you were suffering and I wasn't there to hold you. Baby girl, I love you, I told you never to forget that." 

"I guess I did." I kept my tears in and my eyes on the road, turning into my drive way. "I'm sure you can carry the bags in." With that I ran into the house, in tears, passing everyone and up to my room locking the door and took out my razor contemplating on using it again. 

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