Why, Emily?

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As soon as Jack left the room I broke down in tears. After about 15 minutes Johnson and Sammy came back into the room.

"What did you say to him Em?" Sammy asked me.

"It doesn't matter he probably deserved it." Johnson retaliated.i just sighed and tried to keep from crying in front of them.

"Well then what the fuck is he packing for Johnson? You guys aren't supposed to go back to California for another 2 months!" Sam was freaking out. I had no idea what to do. I decided it was time for me to tell them what I said.

"Guys!" I yelled, earning the attention of both boys. "I told him to pack his bags and go back to California cause I never wanted to see him again" I shrugged and started playing on my phone.

"Ems, are you okay? He's probably crying. You guys are best friends, I don't think either of you can live without each other forever." Sammy tried to talk me out of it!? Who the hell does he think he is?

"Sam, I simply don't want him in my life anymore. I have you, Johnson, mack... Plenty of guys to protect me and whatever." I weakly smiled. "I don't trust people easily, you two know that. Jack and I were already having trust issues before he left. This was the last straw. I promise you I'm going to pick myself back up and be okay."

"Emily Glazer are you sure you can live without the fuckboy that is Jack Finnegan Gilinsky, for the rest of your life?" Johnson said. I looked down. Could I live with Finney? He's been there though so much.

"I guess I'm going I have to. But can you guys go help him pack. The nurse said I could leave soon but I don't want to run into him when I get out, there's to much drama."

"We will baby girl, just promise you won't do anything stupid before you get out, we will miss you way too much." Sam kissed my forehead and walked out with Johnson.

I decided after everything that happened today, I should take a nap and try to regain some strength back.

I tried thinking of happy thoughts like back in junior year when we had the powder puff game, or going to Israel with josh and Jack.. Fuck no Emily don't think about Jack. I sighed and closed my eyes. This is going to be hard to get over...

Heavy (j.g. & Emily Glazer)Where stories live. Discover now