JJ To The Rescue

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Not even five minutes later, i hear a knock on my door, thinking it was him I yell, "Go away Gilinsky!"

"Emily, It's me" I heard Johnson say. "Please open up, Mall and Jack are downstaires with Lanie and Sam, everyone else went home." I sighed, hid my razor and walked towards the door. Opening it slightly just so I could look up and see his face. "Can I come in?" I gave me a sympathetic smile and I nodded. "Please tell me what's been going on, and I mean everything this time."

"Well, Jack, you see..." I dragged that out as long as I could. Then mumbled, "I think I'm in love with Jack."

"What was that?" He lifted my chin and looked me in the eyes.

"I think I have fallen in love with my best friend who fucking left me all alone to live his dream while im here in the middle of know where with all of our old friends, losing myself without the one person who brought out the best of me. Ever since you guys left it's been eating me alive and I'm tired of missing him, now that he's back everything's changed. Everything is just not ok, JJ." I just layed down on my bed and sighed.
"Em?" He just sat there in shock, as he should be. "You... You're.... You're in love... With him?.." He stuttered. Fuck why did I tell him?? I just stared at the ceiling, letting the tears stream down. I nodded but he wasn't looking at me. So, what was he looking at. Fuck, He was looking at the door. I took a deep breath and looked over to see Jack Mother Fucking Gilinsky with his mouth wide open. I turned back to JJ and just cried harder.

About five minutes later, JJ got up, "I'm gonna leave you two here to talk, Love you Em." He kissed my cheek and walked out of the room.


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