Pre Winter Formal Tears

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All the girls sat around my room discussing dance plans. You see, Winter Formal was approaching fast. Mallory, Lanie and I all didn’t have dates. Awesome. The Jacks and Sam were still away and weren’t going to be home in time for formal. Mall and Johnson have been together for about 11 months so she defiantly wasn’t going to find another date. 

“Em, why don’t you ask Sam K? He has the biggest crush on you, like ever.” Regan said giggling uncontrollably.

“Fuck no” I flicked her off and cracked up. He basically followed me around all junior year. Jack had to literally punch him to get him to leave me alone. 

Katie Laughed her ass off "Like my brother has the balls to ask her out, he's terrified of Jack after that incident." 

Erin decided to chin in, “I bet Jack Meyers has some friends you could go with, Em?” 

I just sighed. I really didn't want to go with anyone. The girls didn't know it but Jack, Jack Gilinsky promised he would be back for winter formal to take me and now that he's not here and it is time for preperations, it just doesn't seems right going with anyone else. "Girls I'm fine, I don't need a date, I have Lane." I smiled to sell this story of mine. That's when Lanie decided to open her big mouth.

"Emily I have been hooking up with Sammy when he visits, that's why I'm not going with anyone and Mall and Johnson are going strong. We are all worried about you. You barely even talk about the fact that Jack isn't here." Everyone had stopped what they were doing and was looking at me. Fuck this. 

Chels came over and sat next to me. "E, you can talk to us."

I mumbled "I haven't even talked to him in 2 months" trying not to cry. I didn't even want to think about it. I miss him so so much. I just want him home. He said he would always be here for me. So where the hell is he? 

Mallory spoke up this time, thank God. "Guys, leave her be, her and Jack have had a lot going on. They both haven't been the same. Jack and I have been trying to get them to talk but there both just as stubborn. Jack feels like he let her down after everything that happened with her and Christian, he doesn't know what to or say. And Emily feels left and betrayed. She hasn't even seen her best friend in 5 months. Five whole fucking months, 2 of which she has had no contact with him. How would you guys feel. Emily sweetly lets go get some water from the kitchen."

I nodded a little in shock by the way she handled that but I'm really glad she did it because they hopefully will understand. 

I walked down the stairs as the tears started to flow. God dammit. Mallory had her phone out and I knew what she was doing she was going to call Jack. 

"Jack, babe, I need to talk to Gilinsky. Yes right now. Yes. it's Emily. Okay love you too." I heard Mall's side of the converstation. Then she handed me the phone. I froze. I hadn't said anything to him. I just cried harder. "Em, please, he's the only one I know that can make you feel better." I took a deep breathe and wiped my eyes. Mallory gave me a hug and walked away. 

"Sweetheart?" His voice came on the the phone and I don't know if i can handle this. "Emily, baby. Talk to me." 

"Jack, I can't do this anymore. I miss you way too much" I lost it again and just cried harder. What is wrong with me.

"Hey hey hey. Don't cry, you're too pretty to cry. But I need you to do me a huge favor." 

"What is it."

"Come open the door for Jack, Sammy and I" I stood there frozen. What the hell is he talking about. 

"What the hell Jack, you're not actually here, are you?" I tried to wipe my tears again.

"Come here baby girl, the doors locked." I ran to the door and Jack dropped his backs and embraced me in a hug.

"Five months is way to fucking long." I said through tears. 

"I'm sorry baby girl, never again." He replied into my hair. 

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