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Yao Shen is dreaming, and this time it's not a nightmare. He thinks he's on a boat, he can feel so from the gentle rocking of the waves all around him. His body feels languid and slow, as if he's being cocooned in warmth, cradled gently in a warm embrace.

That's when his eyes flutter open and he sees the pillow under his cheek, and feels the sheets under his bare skin, but the rocking sensation doesn't stop.

He also becomes aware of a hot curl of pleasure twisting under his navel, making him gasp for breath.

"You're tighter now that you're awake," Xin Hulei rumbles from above him, thrusting slowly into Yao Shen's pliant body.

Yao Shen almost drowns under the wave of arousal Xin Hulei's matter-of-fact words bring. He props himself up on his elbows, looking at Xin Hulei over his shoulder. "Have you done this before?"

Xin Hulei bites his lower lip and nods, his nostrils flaring with excitement. His chest is beaded with sweat and the long strands of his hair are plastered to his face. "I woke up during the night, and helped myself, like you said." He lowers his body over Yao Shen's back, biting the upper shell of his ear before saying. "You didn't even stir, not even when I filled you up."

Yao Shen's arms go weak. The mental image of Xin Hulei fucking him in his sleep, moving carefully as to not wake him, giving him the courtesy of not disturbing his sleep while making use of his body is so hot that it almost drives him over the edge.

"How was it?" Yao Shen asks, his words coming out slurred.

"Delicious, as always," he nips Yao Shen's earlobe. "But I missed hearing you scream," his next thrust nails Yao Shen's prostate head on, making him let out a chocked moan, illustrating Xin Hulei's point.

He grips Yao Shen's waist in his palms and pulls him back against his hips, impaling him fully and making him bounce up and down on his cock. "Besides, I love feeling how tight you get when you cum." One of his hands snakes up Yao Shen's torso to flick a nipple, twisting it meanly.

Yao Shen loves all of that too, but he also loves that Xin Hulei is willing to indulge every fantasy he has. That he only needs to suggest something for Xin Hulei to want to try it out with him.

"This slutty body is really something, though," Xin Hulei says, pinching Yao Shen's other nipple before sliding his hand down his torso and wrapping it firmly around his hard cock. "You were completely unconscious and still raised your ass up, trying to get more cock inside."

Heat blooms across Yao Shen's chest and up his neck. "I'm close," he warns, at the same time that Xin Hulei's grip tightens and brings him over the edge.

The contractions of his orgasm milk Xin Hulei of his own, who comes with a muffled groan. "Third time's the charm," he murmurs playfully against the back of Yao Shen's neck.

It's only when Xin Hulei pulls out that Yao Shen realises how sloppy and wet he's made him.

Third time, indeed.


Afterwards, Xin Hulei practically needs to hold Yao Shen up in the shower because he's too fucked out to stand up. He's content to let his head drop into the crook of Xin Hulei's neck, and let himself be soaped up.

"Lazy," Xin Hulei says, against the side of his head, his words dripping with affection. "Little Menace can't even stand up."

Yao Shen grumbles into his wet skin. "Whose fault is that? You took advantage of me and now don't want to take responsibility."

Xin Hulei hums, running his hands reverently up and down Yao Shen's back, making several detours over the curve of his ass. "I'll take responsibility."

"You better," Yao Shen whines, almost unaware of the nonsense he's spouting. "I was a virgin when I met you," he says, as if he really cares.

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