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Yao Shen sits up straighter under the interviewer's inquisitive look.

She adjusts her half-moon glasses and introduces herself as Ying Na, editor-in-chief of 'Crush' the magazine they're doing the editorial for.

"It's been a long time since I've conducted any interviews, so forgive me if I am rusty." Yao Shen notices there is a neat stack of notes on her lap.

Why is the editor-in-chief interviewing them? Doesn't she have a magazine to run?

Xin Hulei sprawls carelessly across the sofa, his ankles crossed over his knee with insouciant grace.

"We'll let you know if you're going too far," Xin Hulei says, meeting Ying Na's shrewd gaze head on.

She clears her throat and riffles through the notes on her lap. Yao Shen has the impression of seeing two tigers sizing each other up.

"There's been a lot of discussion and anticipation regarding the live action adaption of the novel, 'Shizun, this disciple will have to kill you,'" -- she grimaces as she reads the title -- "The expectations for 'Crimson Promise' are sky high among fan and casual viewers alike. Do Yao laoshi or Xin laoshi think the current hiatus will put a damper in the expectations?"

Clearly Ying Na thinks herself far above silly webnovels. She looks like the type who would never consume any media produced to entertain the masses.

Yao Shen smiles a little to himself at imagining Ying Na's shelves filled with books she'll never read, but will gladly show off in the background of social media posts.

Xin Hulei spreads his arms over the back of the sofa, his fingers almost skimming Yao Shen's bare nape.

"No," he says, looking right at Ying Na.

She's clearly annoyed by his answer, but turns to Yao Shen with a polite smile. "Yao laoshi, your thoughts?"

"I agree with Xin laoshi."

Yao Shen doesn't know what exactly is going on, but he's afraid his initial assessment might have been wrong. Whoever pulled the strings to make this interview and photoshoot happen, might have second intentions beyond promoting the drama.

The hostility coming off Ying Na in waves is palpable.

"Regarding the hiatus, there are several theories online about the reason behind it. After all, it wasn't initially planned when the drama's filming schedule was released."

Xin Hulei tilts his head to the side. "It's normal for people to speculate about what they don't know."

Ying Na smiles at him. "According to some, this might be the result of the two laoshi's growing proximity."

Seeing internet gossip aired out in the open so bluntly by a renowned magazine's editor-in-chief, leaves Yao Shen at a loss for words.

Xin Hulei doesn't have the same problem. "We're no closer than any other coworkers."

His curt answer is right for the occasion, but the dispassionate way he says it stings Yao Shen. Is that really all they are to each other?

Surprisingly, Ying Na doesn't seem disappointed by Xin Hulei's dismissive answer.

She hums, one manicured nail tapping against the thin frames of her glasses.

"Considering Xin laoshi was seen recently in the company of an anonymous young man, and the two were seen walking back towards laoshi's Beijing apartment, perhaps we can really write those rumors off as internet gossip."

This time, Yao Shen can't hold back his tongue. "Speaking of gossip, why are we being asked these questions? I thought we were supposed to talk about our roles and the drama."

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