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Bi Jialu curses under her breath when Yao Shen's face turns pale.

"Laoshi has seen it already?"

Yao Shen silently hands her the phone.

"I'm sorry laoshi, I'm sure this is very upsetting," she says, returning the phone to him after only a cursory glance.

"Why the fuck does this keep happening?" Yao Shen hides his face in his palms and lets out a growl. "I mean, who keeps following us?"

Bi Jialu shrugs. "It's a big IP production, it's normal for this kind of drama to attract more paparazzi than usual because there's great online demand for more content."

Yao Shen knows that what she's saying is reasonable, but it doesn't stop him from getting angry at the damn production company, at his own agency, at Xin Hulei's agency.

Aren't they fucking demons? Shouldn't they be able to do something about this.

Of course, since they feed off human 'worship' any kind is probably fine-- from genuine admiration to rabid fan speculation.

"Did the agency say something?" he asks Bi Jialu, finally opening the paper bag and tearing a piece off his youtiao, dispiritedly. For once, the savory, doughy treat doesn't taste like anything when he bites into it, his appetite thoroughly spoiled.

"They're in talks with Xin Hulei's agency to decide on a strategy regarding how to address the online rumors," she says. "From my understanding they want to do some damage control, and explain away the photos as something else, not deny that they happened by remaining silent as they did the first time."

"Is anyone going to talk with me?" Yao Shen asks, feeling a little hopeless.

Bi Jialu shakes her head. "I was only told to tell laoshi to keep his head down and avoid being photographed with Xin laoshi again, or any other actors, until the dust settles."


Until the dust settles...Who knows how long will it take for that?

He's in a bad mood all through the drive to set, and through costume and makeup. It might be his impression but he has the impression that everyone falls silent the moment he walks into a room.

Today he's filming some more scenes in which Yan Shuyi's injuries act up, and one in which Xie Huan follows him up to his private quarters, intent on confronting him about why he's acting so differently since the inter-sect conference, and ends up catching sight of the still healing whip marks on his back.

But first, he has a short scene in which Rong Zi brings him food and tries to help him move around his quarters.

Yao Shen is not looking forward to seeing Gao Wu.

He delays as much as he can, but eventually Bi Jialu drags him along to the filming location.

Once again, all conversation seems to die down the moment Yao Shen shows up.

Gao Wu smiles and waves at him, but his smile doesn't reach his eyes.

Yao Shen feels awful. He can imagine what Gao Wu is probably thinking.

"I don't know if didi has seen the weibo posts," Yao Shen starts, fidgeting with the sleeves of his costume, "but it isn't like what they're implying."

Meaning: he and Xin Hulei didn't go an a date behind Gao Wu's back to a restaurant Gao Wu introduced them to. It's impossible for him to explain the matter with Sun Yi and Gong Tao, but he's sure he can come up with something.

However, Gao Wu doesn't ask. "Gege doesn't need to explain himself, I understand that the gossip accounts make up narratives to generate as much traffic as possible." He pauses, lowering his eyes. "However, I think it would be for the best if our relationship remained professional."

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