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Yao Shen is silent for some time, digesting Xin Hulei's words.

On a purely rational level, he understands why it makes sense. Things have ballooned out of proportion now, it's no longer harmless fan speculation, it has reached the general public. Their relationship is being used as the reason to implicate them in a murder investigation.

Even if they're acting in the absolute best faith, the police will be forced to look into them, and Xin Hulei's non-existent records, if only to quell speculation and tell everyone: "There's nothing."

Yao Shen understands why Xin Hulei's agency wants to distance themselves now. They've been protecting demon's identities in the human realm for centuries, no one wants to put that at risk because of dumb celebrity dating rumours.

Sucking on a shuddering breath, Yao Shen finally nods. "I understand, that makes sense."

Xin Hulei hums. "I'm not going to do it."

Yao Shen looks up at him from under his lashes in surprise. "You're not?"

"The timing will be suspicious. I could have denied the dating rumours between us at any point. Doing it now will only attract more attention to it."

All the tension drains away from Yao Shen's shoulders. He didn't realise the idea upset him so much, despite all his logical understanding of the situation.

"What are you going to do then?"

"This," Xin Hulei says, before lowering himself to pick up Yao Shen under the knees and throw him over his shoulder.

Yao Shen lets out a shocked yelp, locking his knees to prevent himself from sliding off Xin Hulei's back. "What are you doing?"

Instead of answering him, Xin Hulei takes him all the way to the bedroom and dumps him unceremoniously on the bed.

"I'm going to fuck you until I'm the only thing you can think about."

Yao Shen doesn't know if he should tell him he already is. He pulls Xin Hulei down on top of him, running his fingers through his sleek hair, slightly flattened by wearing a wig all day.

"Do your worst," Yao Shen says, hissing the words into Xin Hulei's ear, and punctuating them with a bite to his earlobe.

He remembers his previous vow to make Xin Hulei feel like a big bad demon again, after the blow to his ego.

There's a particular scenario in the spreadsheet that makes him embarrassed just to think about, let alone act out, but maybe if he tells Xin Hulei about it when they're already doing it he can make it all the way without dying of shame.

He knows it will be really hot, if he just gets through his embarrassment.

Xin Hulei kisses down his neck, pulling down the collar of his tshirt to reach his collarbones, to suck bright vivid marks into the skin.

Yao Shen arches up against his lips and thinks about what he's going to tell Xin Hulei later, after.

"Fuck me," moans, cradling Xin Hulei's head against his chest.

He feels Xin Hulei's teeth against the bare skin of his stomach, his hands coming around his hips to slide his pants down his thighs.

"I want you on all fours," Xin Hulei says, low and rumbling, his voice filled with dark promises. "Face down ass up."

Yao Shen is all too eager to comply.


From his position Yao Shen can't see what Xin Hulei is doing, but he can't feel the perfunctory stretch of his fingers lubing him up, and then finally the delicious, intense, slide of his cock into him.

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