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Yao Shen excuses himself and follows Xin Hulei into a secluded corner of the set. It's a good thing everyone is so busy with everything else going on, because no one pays them any attention.

Privately he has an idea as to why Xin Hulei might have called him away. He's grinning from ear to ear when they reach a tiny nook between a pavilion and the gigantic crane that has been mounted for the aerial stunts, and is now hastily being dismantled.

"Did you get jealous when you saw me talking with Gao Wu?" Yao Shen asks, smirking at Xin Hulei's serious expression.

The beginnings of a plan are starting to take shape in Yao Shen's mind, regarding what to do in relation to Xin Hulei and the ghost kings, but for now, he just wants to soak up any nugget of affection Xin Hulei throws his way.

Which is why he's a little disappointed when Xin Hulei raises one sharp eyebrow in confusion, and says, "No."

"Oh." Yao Shen stares down at his feet while fervently hoping a hole will open up under him and swallow him up.

A warm hand cups the back of his neck, tilting his head up. "Did you want me to?"

How would he admit something as humiliating as that?

He scoffs, "Of course not."

Xin Hulei gives him one of his probing looks. Yao Shen can almost see the flicker of a smile in his dark irisis.

"You're not being honest."

His tone is light, but his words still make Yao Shen lock up and grimace as if he's been stung. He wonders if it's going to be like this from now on? The guilt of his deception rearing up its ugly head at the most innocuous things.

The plan he's been half considering takes on more solid shape.

Yao Shen doesn't think he can stick his head in the sand for much longer.

He needs to do something, not only for Xin Hulei but for his own peace of mind.

There's no point in ignoring the incoming bridges he said he would cross when he got to them, or remaining 'blissfully ignorant' if there's no bliss to it.

Xin Hulei notices his sudden change of demeanor. "I was lying, I'm very jealous," he says, the words slightly rushed, despite his unchanging expression. "Doesn't he have a ghost boyfriend now? Why is he talking with you?"

It's possibly the least convincing display of jealousy Yao Shen has ever seen, especially considering Xin Hulei is such a great actor. It fills him with fondness anyway, and makes his heart swell at least three sizes.

He pulls Xin Hulei towards him by the collar of his costume, and plants a kiss on his lips, before pulling away and looking around to see if anyone saw them.

"Thank you," Yao Shen says, his voice a little hoarse.

His behaviour is probably confusing the hell out of Xin Hulei, but he doesn't comment on it.

"You're welcome, I'll be jealous whenever you need me to," Xin Hulei says, deadpan.

Yao Shen bumps his head against his chest and closes his eyes with a sigh.

He's in so much trouble.

Xin Hulei's hand comes up and pets him on the back of the head tenderly. After a few moments soaking up his touch, Yao Shen asks, "Why did you call me here, if it wasn't for an aggressive and domineering display of jealousy?"

Yao Shen hears the rumble of Xin Hulei's soft chuckle through his chest.

"You told me you suspected Heimao of having achieved human form. At the time I didn't think it was possible."

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