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tw: sexual content


Yao Shen waits expectantly for Xin Hulei's reply, his hands growing sweaty around his mobile, his fingers slipping on the plastic cover.

When the phone vibrates again in his hand, he almost lets go of it.

[Xin Hulei: You shouldn't be sending that, it's too dangerous]

That's not the effusive display of lust Yao Shen was expecting, but fine, he can work with it.

[Naughty Ghost: I cropped my head, who can tell it's me?]

[Xin Hulei: everyone who's seen you without a shirt?]

[Naughty Ghost: that's just you ;)]

[Xin Hulei: you're an actor, someone else must have seen you without a shirt by now]

Yao Shen groans and considers the merits of flinging his phone against the wall.

Of course lots of people have seen him without a shirt, he was just trying to be sexy.

Why is Xin Hulei so determined to spoil his hard won good mood?

Does he not appreciate how closely Yao Shen avoided disaster, for both of them?

He won't quit that easily, so he tries again, this time being more direct just in case Xin Hulei is having a slow day.

[Naughty Ghost: how about you send me a photo too?]

[Naughty Ghost: take off whatever you want]

He gets a reply seconds later. He doesn't have photos set to automatically save to his device, so at first he sees a blurry flesh colored blob, which raises his hopes up.

At least until he opens it and sees a photo of Xin Hulei's bare feet.

[Xin Hulei: took off my socks]

[Naughty Ghost: ...]

[Naughty Ghost: not that your feet aren't sexy but this isn't what I had in mind crying.emoji]

Is this because Xin Hulei is actually a thousand year-old demon? Is he not aware of how sexting is supposed to work?

Or is he being dense on purpose to get back at Yao Shen?

He gets another photo, this time showing Xin Hulei's legs up to the calves.

[Xin Hulei: like this?]

[Naughty Ghost: Have we gone back to the Qing dinasty?]

[Naughty Ghost: If so, hearteyes.emoji hearteyes.emoji]

[Naughty Ghost: Otherwise, no, not like that]

Xin Hulei must be fucking with him, it's not possible for him to think Yao Shen wants to see pictures of his legs and feet.

Still, he's feeling magnanimous after escaping certain death, so he doesn't mind sending another example.

This time he takes a photo in which the hand not holding the phone is hooked on the waistband of his underwear, pulling it down slightly.

[Naughty Ghost: Like this]

[Naughty Ghost: send me one just like this one]

Xin Hulei doesn't reply right away which bodes well for Yao Shen actually getting a sexy photo back.

He downloads the photo with bated breath, only to see that while it seems to show an expanse of bare chest, it's all blurry -- Yao Shen can't see any more clearly than before he downloaded the photo!

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