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Yao Shen and his two "mentees" are sitting together in a little corner of the set, with two cameras trained on them. The flimsy partition surrounding  them prevents Yao Shen from getting a good look at Xin Hulei on the other end of the set.

It's far to assume that he's enduring the same kind of questions, however.

He spares a wan smile at the two girls and tries to change subjects. "Ah, that doesn't matter right now, we should focus on devising a strategy to help you two make a good first impression."

Yao Shen was initially considering just saying whatever to get through the stupid show, but since they're apparently determined to expose him and Xin Hulei he needs to distract them somehow.

Song Wen clears her throat. "We can learn a lot if laoshi shares what worked for him."

Right, that's how it's going to be.

Yao Shen sighs and makes himself comfortable on his plastic chair. They're all sitting around a table with a steaming teapot and little teacakes as if they're friends meeting up in a cafe for a chat.

Yao Shen bites into one of the cakes, to buy himself some time, it's stale and no longer sticky but he swallows it down with a sip of tea.

After prolonging the tension as much as he can, he finally says, "I've always found that girls appreciate it when people recognize their qualities, and don't try to belittle them, at least that's something my ex-girlfriends always praised about me."

Ling Long looks ready to throw the teapot at his head, but finds some inner restraint. "But we're not trying to seduce a girl, so maybe laoshi has some other suggestion?"

Yao Shen taps his index finger against his chin. "Uhm, that's it really, nothing else springs to mind." He shrugs. "He's a singer right? Say you appreciate the work ethic necessary to make it in the entertainment industry."

That's clearly not the highlight reel the production team instructed them to get out of him, but it's what they'll have to make do with, because moments later an assistant comes remind the girls that they need to get ready for the next segment.


During the speed dating, Yao Shen, Xin Hulei and Tan Liansi can just watch from the sidelines.

Yao Shen takes the opportunity to confer with Xin Hulei while the cameras aren't on them. "Did they try to ask you any personal questions?"

Xin Hulei nods discreetly.

"Anything about me?"

"Not directly," Xin Hulei says, keeping his voice down. "But it was implied. They asked me if I thought riding a motorcycle at night was romantic, and what I thought were a man's most attractive qualities."

Yao Shen almost chokes -- yes, that's direct.

"What did you answer?"

"A strong sense of justice."

Yao Shen is facing forward under the guise of watching the speed dating, but he can't help sparing Xin Hulei a glance from the corner of his eyes, and grinning like a fool.

"They must have hated that."

Xin Hulei nods, just barely moving his head. "They did."

Yao Shen snorts.

"If they wanted me to be specific they should have asked me about you directly," he says.

"What are my most attractive qualities then?" Yao Shen asks, feeling blood rush up to his ears.

Xin Hulei leans over sideways, as if he's going to whisper into Yao Shen's ear, but stops just short of it. "I'll tell you later."

Tan Liansi lets out a warning groan. "Can the two of you stop it?" she hisses. "Just because the show isn't filming us, doesn't mean no one else is!"

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