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Yao Shen's second day of filming, 'Shizun, this disciple will have to kill you', goes by in a blur.

He has some scenes together with Xin Hulei, but since these are all earlier on, when Xin Hulei and Rong Zi first joined Frozen Peak as disciples, their interactions are minimal, and there are several other actors on scene with them to act as buffers.

It allows Yao Shen to relax and fully immerse himself in his role, without thinking about what Xin Hulei is doing, and how his own performance measures up.

Things go smoothly, the directors are pleased, but Yao Shen's nerves are still frazzled.

He still expects the rug to be pulled from under his feet at any moment.

He's also overly conscious of Xin Hulei's eyes on him, tracking is every movement as he moves around the set, during pauses, while the crew adjusts the lighting, while the makeup crew touches up on his foundation.

It's unnerving.

Gao Wu tries to approach him a couple of times, to ask about how he's dealing with the backlash from the leaked video, but Xin Hulei always finds a way to come between them.

They're shooting their last scene together before lunch when Yao Shen finally snaps.

He grabs Xin Hulei by the collar of his red robes and drags him towards a secluded corner of the set. "What the hell is your damage?" he hisses, keeping his voice low.

Xin Hulei stares down at him with that inscrutable gaze of his that only makes his blood boil. "Not even a full 24 hours after our meeting this morning, and you're already making a scene?"

His tone isn't chiding, or sardonic, merely inquisitive, as if he can't fully wrap his mind around Yao Shen's behavior.

It makes Yao Shen let go of his robes as if scalded. He also doesn't understand what's gotten into him. What is it about Xin Hulei that makes him completely lose his cool?

"No one is filming us," he says, defensive. Although, he didn't think anyone was filming them during the table reading either.

He changes subjects. "Stop following me, I already have a shadow."

Xin Hulei quirks one eyebrow. "We are supposed to be growing closer."

Yao Shen rolls his eyes. "That doesn't mean you need to hang over my shoulder like a jealous boyfriend." He narrows his eyes at Xin Hulei's smooth face. "Let me talk with whoever I want."

"How am I stopping you?" Xin Hulei asks, the slightest note of incredulity tinging his words.

"You--" Yao Shen starts, but cuts himself short when he comes to a startling realization.

Xin Hulei doesn't really do anything, he just shows up and stands there whenever Yao Shen and Gao Wu are together.

It's Yao Shen's hyper awareness of his presence that makes him tense up, and feel as if he's intruding.

He can't really blame the guy for approaching his coworkers during breaks.

Some of the anger deflates out of him. "Nevermind," he sighs, stepping away from Xin Hulei. "Just ignore everything I said."

Xin Hulei holds him back by the wrist, his cool fingers wrapped in a circle around the slender bone. "Whatever animosity you feel towards me, you need to let that go."

Yao Shen pulls his arm away with a vicious tug, his mood immediately caustic.

That's easy for Xin Hulei to say, he isn't the one whose career was ruined because of him.

Capturing My Demon King Costar Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora