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Yao Shen almost bites down on his tongue. Is Xin Hulei trying to kill him?

Before he can spew any more filth, Yao Shen lifts a hand and places it over Xin Hulei's mouth, hovering a hairsbreadth away from his lips as to not ruin his makeup.

"Shut up, that's not it," he hisses. "Keep your voice down."

Xin Hulei frowns minutely and pulls Yao Shen's hand down. "Speak."

His tone is slightly petulant, Yao Shen preens inwardly at the knowledge that Xin Hulei is disappointed.

"Ye Fang seems to be under the impression that our hotel is riddled with ghosts."

Xin Hulei's expression grows serious at once. "Have you seen any?"

Yao Shen shakes his head. "But I don't spend much time outside my hotel room, and if I remember correctly her room is near Gao Wu's."

He omits the fact that Ye Fang believes there are also demons around, because 1) there are, and 2) unlike the ghosts, Yao Shen knows who they are.

"It's probably getting worse, because he has more reasons to be upset lately," Xin Hulei says, his tone even, but in his inscrutable dark eyes a little flicker of inner satisfaction glints.

Yao Shen is becoming better at reading him.

He punches Xin Hulei softly on the side of the arm. "Don't gloat about other people's misfortune."

"Why not, if their misfortune is my good luck?"

Xin Hulei's smooth voice and his silky words get to Yao Shen fast, his ears stinging from the sudden heat.

Perhaps noticing the state he has reduced Yao Shen to, Xin Hulei changes the subject. "I'll come by your hotel room later and we can investigate it. It won't be good for too many ghosts to walk around unchecked."

One corner of his lips ticks up and he straightens the collar of Yao Shen's robes. "Your grandfather was a daoist priest, it's your duty to exorcise the restless spirits and protect the common people."

He leaves Yao Shen with those parting words, who wonders once again, why he keeps telling lies he can't get out of.

He was the top of his class in Marxist studies! What the fuck does he know about putting restless spirits to rest?


It's an universal rule than when he wishes time would slow down, it only speeds up faster because the universe enjoys spiting down on downtrodden people like Yao Shen, so the rest of the day passes by in a breeze, and by the time he notices he's already in the car with Bi Jialu returning to his hotel room.

Whatever he does, Yao Shen cannot give in to temptation and do anything with Xin Hulei in his bedroom, it's unlikely the ghoul will be back so soon, but it pays to be cautious. If the ghost kings get wind that he and Xin Hulei spent the night together they'll want to know why he didn't use the gu insect.

Of course there's the matter of the system too, Yao Shen doesn't know what it wants exactly, but he's sure that he doesn't want to let it listen in while he and Xin Hulei get intimate.

It's obvious that the only safe place for the two of them is Xin Hulei's apartment.

Yao Shen will have to do his best to steer Xin Hulei away from any funny business while they are in his hotel room.

There's the system reward 'exorcism' to consider too. It probably would come in handy with the ghost infestation, but there's the issue of hiding it from Xin Hulei.

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