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That's not a surprise, but Yao Shen still widens his eyes in wonder. "Really? How did that happen?"

The woman nods towards that place with the different coloured wood. "It's related to that. As the story goes, the tenth king liked to disguise himself as a common courtesan and entertain clients."

Yao Shen coughs into his elbow to disguise the sudden flush that climbs up his neck and ears. He knows she's probably recounting centuries old hearsay, but still!

"Were the other kings angry about that?"

She shrugs. "Who's to say? But I guess he was ignoring his duties as a judge of souls in order to fool around here." She fans herself, smiling a little conspicuously. "That was before my time, so I have no idea."

"Do you know if there's anyone around that still remembers that time?"

She thinks this over for a moment, and then points at the upper floor with her fan. "Qing Yu. He's one of the oldest courtesans here." She smirks and leans in conspiratorially, whispering into Yao Shen's ear, "They say he was an Emperor's lover when he was alive."

Yao Shen doesn't care if he was an Emperor's personal back-scratcher, but if this guy has information, Yao Shen is going to talk with him.

He thanks the girl for all her assistance. "I think I might pay Qing Yu a visit, he must have a lot of interesting stories to tell a newcomer like me."

She lets out a little condescending giggle. "I'm afraid young master really will have to pay if he wants to talk with Qing Yu. Some other courtesans might exchange a word or two for free, but no one can even gaze upon Qing Yu without paying first."

He sounds humble, and agreeable.

Yao Shen's smile is strained. "And how can one pay, around here?"

She blinks at him rapidly. "With paper money of course."

Of course. "And how do I get that?"

She lowers her fan with a sigh, no longer interested in keeping up a demure appearance now that it has become clear that Yao Shen has no money to his name. "Your living relatives are supposed to burn it for you. If what they burn isn't enough, young master can always find work."

Something glints in her eyes, she looks him up an down. "We're always looking for new talent, if young master is interested."


Yao Shen leaves the Fragrant Peony feeling like he didn't accomplish anything. Now, he has the extra task of finding a way to get money, on top of everything.

Can he burn paper money for himself? Can he just take it from the mortal world into the underworld in his pockets, or something?

He's wondering through the streets trying to get his thoughts into order. He sees a woman exchange a few bills with a street vendor. This time he pays attention to the money itself. To his surprise it doesn't look like paper money, it's not circular or have any cutouts.

Instead it's cut in large rectangles, like old fashioned banknotes. From what Yao Shen can tell at a distance, in the center there's a portrait of someone who looks distinctively like Er Wang.

Great, so somehow, paper money turns into banknotes with the faces of the ghost kings in the Underworld.

Is he going to need to find a job here? On top of his day job on the mortal realm! What kind of capitalist hellhole is this?

There are only so many places he knows in Youdu, and eventually, his feet lead him back to that administrative building.

He discards his costume before going inside.

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