Start from the beginning

He knows from the ghost king's expression's that that is what stings them most. The only reason Yao Shen even saved them, was because the traitor kings and Si Wang were a threat to Xin Hulei. He seriously wanders if he would have bothered otherwise.

He does care about the terrible state of things in Youdu, but he can take or leave the ghost kings.

"So now, the demons are staying because your stupid power struggles means that they no longer have a home."

There's a chorus of cheers from the demons, and a few smug smirks directed at the ghost kings. Yao Shen knows he's probably making enemies out of most of them.

Which is why he isn't stopping there.

"We also have four open positions with three ghost kings sealed and another on the run." He adopts the posture of a general addressing his troops and walks towards Xie Bian and Fan Wujiu who clearly don't understand what he's trying to get at.

He claps Fan Wujiu loudly on the shoulder, keeping in with the strong military character he's now convinced himself he's playing for this particular audience.

"I propose that the two Impermanences, as the ferrymen of souls, become ghost generals, and receive a seat in the ghost council."

Xie Bian's mouth falls open, and Yao Shen revels in having surprised him into silence.

"It''s an honour," Fan Wujiu says, just as shocked.

Yao Shen feels slightly bad for not giving them any warning, but he mostly wants to pad his numbers, and have some insurance against the other ghost kings.

He walks up to Xin Hulei, and with only a brief glance at him announces, "You are worried about the demons living in Youdu, and I understand your concerns. Which is why I think it's only fair if Xin Hulei joins our little council as well."

Something passes through Xin Hulei's eyes, a brief flicker of amusement.

There are more protests from the ghost kings but Yao Shen ignores them, staying beside Xin Hulei, unwavering in his decision.

"That still leaves one spot open," Yi Wang says, her lips peeled back in disdain. "Does that mean we get to choose too?"

Xin Hulei levels her with a cold look. "Do you think you are in any position to argue with his Highness?"

Something hot travels down Yao Shen's spine at Xin Hulei's words. He returns his heated look with one of his own. "It's just as his Majesty said, you aren't in any position to make demands.  This isn't a democracy."

The ghost kings don't give up easily. "That still leaves one position empty, who will fill it?" he asks.

Yao Shen sighs, he's so tired of all this he just wants to go back to the mortal realm and rest. "Fine, we can ask the good people of Youdu who they'd like to nominate for the role."

"You just said this wasn't a democracy?"

They're just saying words at this point. "How is asking for people's opinion on the street a democracy?"

Yi Wang isn't ready to back down, the buns on the side of her head almost tremble violently as she points a finger at Yao Shen. "You aren't even a ghost king anymore! You're just a regular mortal human, why are you in charge?"

Yao Shen turns to Xin Hulei, Xie Bian and Fan Wujiu. "Do any of you have any issue with me being in charge?"

They all shake their heads, although it probably costs Xie Bian.

Yao Shen turns to Yi Wang with a wide grin. "Feel free to bring the issue up with any gods who come down here asking about it. Seeing as they didn't care for the last two years, I doubt they'll show up any time soon."

There's no argument they can bring up against that, and eventually the ghost kings start dispersing.

The demons come up to Xin Hulei, their voices low and halting. Yao Shen gives them some privacy and checks in on Fan Wujiu and Xie Bian.

"Sorry to spring this on you," he says, mostly to Fan Wujiu.

Predictably, Xie Bian is the first to voice his grievances. "As if we don't have enough work already! Not to mention the huge backlog, how do you expect us to have the time to play 'ghost generals' too?"

Fan Wujiu wraps one hand around his forearm, trying to calm him down. "Bian, relax, it's not a bad thing."

Yao Shen hums. "I just need people in my corner. Besides, they were right, I'm a human, I won't be here all the time, and I need someone who can travel easily between the two realms."

"So you need errand boys?!" Xie Bian says, his voice increasing in volume.

Fan Wujiu's smile is conciliatory. "We'll be happy to help, considering how much you've helped us."

Yao Shen believes him, and he knows that he'll manage to get Xie Bian to go along with him, if the situations calls for it.

Looking at all the demons crowding the administrative hall, and the curious ghosts milling outside, trying to get a closer look, Yao Shen feels a gratifying sense of accomplishment.

Si Wang is still on the loose, but half the work is done now. He'll get the spinning lantern back from him, and find out what happened when the Crown Prince became Shi Wang.

He owes it to himself, and to Xin Hulei to know the truth of what led to Yan Shuyi's and Xie Huan's deaths instead of relying on second-hand accounts.

He's lost in his own thoughts when he feels a presence behind him. "Are we done here?"

Xin Hulei's fingers wrap around the jut of his hipbone for a moment before falling away.

Yao Shen turns around and looks him in the eyes, smiling softly. "We're done. Take me home."

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