Start from the beginning

Yao Shen hums, in an indication for him to go on.

"I don't think it's that unlikely now."

"What made you change your mind?"

"Things have been moved."

Yao Shen pulls away from his chest so he can look up into his eyes. "How so?"

Xin Hulei tells him that at first he just thought he was forgetting where he left something, but it has happened so frequently that it doesn't seem likely. It mostly seems to happen with his laptop, his phone, and on occasion the TV remote.

"Have you asked Jincan about it?" Yao Shen asks.

"He said he hasn't seen anything, but he also sleeps for a good part of the day." He adds, "It accelerates his cultivation."

"Cats sleep a lot." Yao Shen is fully convinced now that Heimao is the one behind that weibo profile with his name, everything is too convenient to be a coincidence. "Very useful for him."

"Why would he hide it from me?"

That's the one thing that doesn't make sense to Yao Shen either.

"Well, you have to set up cameras and try to catch him at it," he suggests.

Xin Hulei nods. "We're going back to the Beijing apartment. I'll go first and then return for the two of them."

Yao Shen's heart jolts inside his chest at the reminder that they'll soon be parted. All of it is so sudden, he feels like he hasn't had time to digest the news yet.

"You should visit," Xin Hulei says, looking off to the side. "Just text me when you're free."

Yao Shen hooks his pinky finger with Xin Hulei's, mindful of the many people walking around just a few paces away.

As much as he wants to, he doesn't know if it's the best thing for him now, especially if he's going to go forward with his plan. Maybe he won't even be able to contact Xin Hulei.

There's no point in telling Xin Hulei that, so instead Yao Shen smiles and nods. "Sure, I'll help you catch your lying cat."

A slow smile blooms across Xin Hulei's lips, breathing life into his usually stoic features. "It's a date."


That same night, Yao Shen packs all of his bags and leaves Hengdian, without any chance to say goodbye to anyone.

Bi Jialu tries to cheer him up on the ride to the airport. "Think of it this way, laoshi, it's a 'see you later', not a goodbye."

He knows she's right, but filming 'Crimson Promise' has become part of his daily routine, and now as suddenly as it started, it's being taken away.

Yao Shen texts Xin Hulei while he's waiting for his flight.

[Little Menace: I'm about to embark. I'll miss you]

[Xin Hulei: We'll see each other soon]

Yao Shen doesn't want to dwell on that now, so he changes the subject.

[Little Menace: you should change your WeChat display name, just having your full name is boring]

[Xin Hulei: what do you suggest?]

[Little Menace: how should I know? pick something]

[Xin Huelei: you're using the nickname I gave you, maybe you should give me one too]

Yao Shen can't help smiling fondly at Xin Hulei's roundabout way to ask for what he wants.

[Little Menace: I'll think of something]

[Xin Hulei: when you do, I'll change it]

It's so unfair that he can be so effortlessly seductive, and romantic without even trying, Yao Shen doubts he even notices.

Bi Jialu nudges him softly. "They're opening the gate now."

[Little Menace: I'll hold you to that. Talk to you later]

Xin Hulei's reply is a single heart emoji.


Not long after he lands in Beijing, Yao Shen gets a message from a new chatgroup.

[Your are now part of the 'Crimson Cuties' chatgroup]

[Sunrise Star: Hey everyone, I thought we should make a group to keep in touch with each other over the hiatus]

[Sunrise Star: It's Ye Fang by the way, add me!]

[Cute didi: Great idea, Fang-jie]

[Tan Liansi: I might be too busy to talk]

[Sunrise Star: Nooo, jiejie :( don't forget about us]

[Xin Hulei: we should all try to keep an harmonious working relationship]

[Little Menace: I agree, let's all get along]

He imagines Tan Liansi's frustration at being the odd one out with a smile.

[Sunrise Star: Yay! Have a nice trip home everyone, and we'll stay in touch!]

Beijing seems to mirror Yao Shen's mood once he steps out of the airport. The whether is unusually grey for the time of the year, although the temperature is high, making the heat feel suffocating and oppressive.

Bi Jialu calls a car for him and tells him she'll call again in the morning with news about his schedule for the rest of the month.

The driver tries to strike up a conversation during the entire ride, but Yao Shen only answers in monosyllables.

"Hey, are you a singer or an actor?" The man asks at one point, his eyes meeting Yao Shen's through the rearview mirror. "I think I know you from somewhere."

He probably means from the news about a murder being exposed live during a dating show, by a trio of actors.

Not long ago, Yao Shen would have preened at being recognized, something that almost never happened.

Now, he just shakes his head. "I must have one of those faces," he says, looking out the window.

It's ironic that his face, which is the entire reason why he even got a shot in the entertainment industry, doesn't even feel like it fully belongs to him.

He understands now, why people are supposed to drink Meng Po's soup before reincarnating. It's too much of a burden, to know and wander about who you've been before, what you've done.

Just as he's opening the door to his apartment, his mobile starts vibrating violently.

At first the thinks it's the chatgroup Ye Fang created, but then he remembers that the last few times this happened he was trending on weibo.

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