Chapter 15: Staring at the ceiling in the dark

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry..." Harry mumbled and averted his eyes to his hands.
Athena wanted to say something, but the words were caught in her throat. So instead, she slowly moved up to his lap and nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck.

Harry gently moved his knobbly fingers up her smooth body, comforting the both of them the best he could.

When Athena was fully wrapped around his neck, Harry stood up shakily and moved to get ready for the day. The snake sat on his bed as he showered, bandaged, and clothed himself.

He wore his Hogwarts robes, chose to smell like cinnamon, brushed his teeth, put on shoes, tried to tame his unruly hair (and failed), and finally, he moved to pick up Athena, wrapping her around his neck under his robes , choosing not to put her next to his arms too soon.

It was now 5:40 am because Athena and him had talked for a bit and it took a little while to figure out where his stuff was in his new room.

Harry stalked to the tall door, long fingers wrapping around cold metal as he grabbed the handle. He walked out of his room, immediately getting hit with a wave of cool, fresh air. He sucked it in greedily, enjoying the lighter feeling of condensation on his tongue because of the lake outside. Athena doing the same.


Harry had been sitting in the Slytherin common room reading for around forty minutes before he felt people start coming out of their rooms and heading down the staircase to get to the common room.

Blaise Zabini had already joined him around 20 minutes ago and was sitting in the bean bag chair next to him, a white blanket thrown lazily over his form, and a book about transfiguration in his hand.

Groups of kids wearing the same robes of black and green came into the common room and started pointless conversation, ruining Harry's time without hearing annoying whiny voices.

He let out a quiet sigh and continued to read until Draco came down. He smelled like hair gel and rain with hints of lavander. Harry got used to that smell a long time ago, but it still made him internally cringe whenever he got too close to the boys hair.

Casting a quick tempus, Draco saw that it was six forty and recruited Harry, Crabbe, and Goyle to head to breakfast.

They walked long corridors. Unfamiliar halls to three people there, but to that last one, this place was home. The place he knew better then anyone else.

They reached the lunch room, the sight of four long tables placed  vertically and one placed horizontally entered their view.

The second they entered the room, chatter stopped suddenly and all eyes moved towards him. Eyes burned into his pale skin and Harry scowled.

"Merlin! its like a bunch of brainless zombies." Draco's voice rang across the cafeteria as he sneered at the crowd.

Harry couldn't help but agree. Their eyes felt like they were eating him alive, if he didn't know any better, he would say that their faces even had the lines of a puppet.

Harry scowled and they moved towards their table. Harry didn't get any food. In his last life, he didn't eat much at all, this life was no different in that regard.

Petunia and Vernon had only fed him once a week his whole life. It messed up his stomach, and even though he was at Hogwarts for so long, he could still only manage to stomach a little bit of food maybe three times a week. Any other time he would have to sneak away and throw up. And he never really saw a reason (or cared enough) to try and fix it.

In the year where he has lived at the Peverell mansion, the house elves had figured out that he doesn't eat much, so they started to try and get him to eat a bit more. They don't force him to eat more then he can handle, and if he doesn't want to eat, then they are okay with it. Even when he doesn't eat, he still sits at the table with them and talks like a real family, no matter how odd of one it may be.

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