"Why should you get the bear strength and the seed?" i asked

"There's one spell scroll for all of us, plus an extra on for grover, it's important that clarisse should enhance her aim given she has 'piercing shot', and you get cyclops strength, while grover gets spells that lean more towards nature magic, his specialty. There's only one spell scroll left, for me. And as for the seed, you're most likely going to send me back to camp anyway, so i might as well plant the seed while i'm their."

"And why do you get the cyclops eyes?"

"Apparently they're part of a demon blood ritual, they could create demons called spectators that would serve us."




"You want to summon... demons?"

"Demons and summon are loose terms, they would be created for the sole purpose of serving us, and they wouldn't cause anything bad to happen unless we ordered them to."

I gave the book of demon magic to Annabeth, but the thing is, i don't know who gave it to me.

Was it given to me by my patrons, the fates?

Was it written by a wise old man centuries ago who studied demonology?

Or was it made by a demon and given to the world so it could corrupt humans.

I don't think that the fates would try to harm me, but they don't seem to like Annabeth. So even if it was made by the fates, will it still be safe for Annabeth to use? Or will it corrupt and transform her into some sort of demon queen?

"I know that it may not seem wise, but it is, i'm a child of wisdom after all. And if you knew the inner workings of the spell like i do, than you'd know that it's perfectly safe."

I look at the stone snake bracelet on my wrist and think.

Nagini was made to serve me, so would these... things, be the same.

"All right, you get the eyes, but clarisse will get the bear strength spell." i say. 

Annabeth looked a bit mad, but ultimately she agreed.


2000, Spell scroll: cyclops wrath, spell scroll: predator's vision


2000, Cyclops eyes (25), cyclops bones (4 tonnes), magical seed


2000, Bear skin berserker armor, spell scroll: bear strength, primal cyclops club


4000, Spell scroll: secret sanctuary, spell scroll: bear bones

Would you like to hand out the rewards?


It wasn't exactly how Annabeth wanted it, but 1. She's not the boss of me, and 2. I'm going to get predator's vision, hopefully i could level it up into hunter's vision.

I press Y and let the rewards be handed out.

Ability unlocked: passive ability: predator vision

Your vision and night vision is slightly better

Ability unlocked: combat ability: cyclops wrath

Magically Multiply your strength by 10 (STR X 10/s = MP cost)

(current cost: 490 MP/s)

Level up, you are now level 17

Percy the gamerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن