19-The Truth

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As soon as she got into her room she locked the door behind her with the most complicated locking spell she could think of. As she leaned against the door and sank to the floor she could hear Ron's voice from downstairs pleading for her to come out and talk to him.

She knew that there was nothing she could do now to stop the truth from getting out. She had always thought that she had hated Malfoy, that he was her nemesis, enemy, but now as she sat there hiding from the truth she couldn't help thinking she had been wrong her entire life. Yes her and Ron were friends but they could never be anything more than that because of how he thought of her. He thought of her as if she were the smart one who had all of the answers and that she was there for him to use, that she was someone that would just give him the answers to everything, do his homework for him. She couldn't believe that he wanted to get back with her as soon as Lavender had left him. She just wanted to go back to the library and work on that clue with Malfoy spouting snarky comments over her shoulder. There was a certain comfort to the familiarity that came with Malfoy, yes he was rude and arrogant and stuck up but now when everything else in her life was on its head he was the one thing that would still stay the same, he was her due north on a compass, always there unmoving against the tides of chaos.

She couldn't believe that now of all times she was thinking of how Malfoy, Draco Fucking Malfoy was the one constant in her life. She headed over to her table sat down in the chair and wrote to letters, one to Harry Potter and one to Draco Malfoy.

Draco was writing out some notes for defence against the dark arts, his hand starting to ache from the amount he had written when he heard a tapping at the window and what he saw almost made him fall out of his chair. There tapping at the green tinted glass was an origami bird and he knew instantly who it was from. He quick opened the window and let it in. The paper bird landed on his desk and unfolded itself out onto the table. He quickly skimmed over the words.

I just got into and argument with Ron and he grabbed my arm, the ring you gave me came off and he realised it was your family crest, I don't know what to do, I have sent a letter to Harry explaining that we are working together on the clue and the rest of the situation, I think he will understand. I have locked myself in my dorm so hopefully Ron will leave to find Harry or Harry will find him. Stay in the common room, the last time I saw Ron this mad he was wearing a horcrux, I don't know what he is going to do. Don't do anything stupid Malfoy. I'll send you another letter when things get better.

Yours, Hermione.

As soon as he read the letter he quickly scribbled down his own letter, cast a origami spell on it and threw it out the window. The letter read in his untidy scrawl,

I know you warned me but I'm going to do something stupid.

Yours, Draco.

Draco threw the quill onto his bed, the feather hadn't even touched the sheets before he was out of the room slamming the door behind him. He didn't understand how she could put up with Weasley, Potter he could understand, at least he pulled his own weight and didn't treat her as if she were nothing. There was no way he was going to have her locked in her room because Weasley was having a temper tantrum. Weasley wasn't in charge of her, she was aloud to make her own decisions and her deciding to work with him was exactly that, her decision and if she was going to be ridiculed for doing that the he was going to go there and show him what a bad decision really looks like.

As he stormed through the slytherin common room he could feel eyes on him and he wasn't surprised at all to hear Pansy behind him.

"Draco where are you going?"

"Gryffindor common room."

With out another word he left the common room and headed straight to Gryffindor. In all of the built up rage he almost forgot to say the password written on his wrist before going in.


The portrait swung open to reveal a room, covered in red carpets and drapes, gold picture frames holding art smothering the walls and a roaring fireplace in the grate. Even though he had never seen the Gryffindor common room before he wasn't at all interested in it at the moment, his entire focus was on the red head stood at the bottom of the stairs. There was no one else in the room. As soon as the portrait closed behind him, Weasley's head shot to the noise.

"You!" Ron said, brows furrowed and fists raised.

"Yes. Me!"

"You manipulating son of a bitch. Get out before  I throw you out."

"I'm just here to take Granger to the library."

"She is not going anywhere with you, you git."

"Well that's not up to you is it, Weasley." Suddenly he could hear footsteps and his head immediately shot to the stairwell.

"Hermione." Draco exclaimed. She was stood at the bottom of the stairs, in her hand was the very short letter he sent her.

"Draco, what are you doing here?"

"I'm doing something stupid."He smirked.

"And he is about too leave now." Ron replied taking a step towards Hermione. "He won't manipulate you anymore, and he will go to Azkaban."

"No he won't Ron." Hermione could feel the anger in her growing, her heart beat quickening. Why couldn't he understand this.

"Why not Hermione?"

"You don't even know what you're talking about , do you. Me and Malfoy have been working together on the clue for the winter games, we have been meeting up to discuss the clue."

"Why though, he is a deatheater." Ron's hands were balled into fists, his face going red with anger.

"Because he asked me and we are friends now Ron, he was there for me at a time you weren't."

Ron's mouth dropped open. Just the portrait door swung open to reveal Harry. "I got your letter Hermione. Ron we need to talk." He said slowly getting closer to Ron trying to calm him down.

"No, we need to get Malfoy arrested." Ron replied.

"No we don't Ron." Hermione asserted. "Why can't you get it in your head, we are friends, he is my friend."

"No he is not, he deserves to be in Azkaban, just like his father."

Her anger was out of control. Before she knew it she had her fist raised and punched Ron in the face. Just as she was about to punch him again she felt arms around her waist and was lifted of the floor and away from Ron.

"Ron you can't say that about him, he is nothing like his father." She yelled.

"Hermione calm down." Draco whispered in her ear, arms still wrapped around her waist.

"No he can't say that about you."

Suddenly she felt his hand on her face and he turned her to look at him. "Hermione I don't care what people think of me." He cupped her face in his hands. "Seriously it doesn't matter."


"It doesn't matter." His hands were cold against her warm skin. As if he had noticed it the same time she had, he quickly removed his hands and turned to Ron and Harry. "I'm going to take her to the library to calm down."

Hermione looked towards Ron and felt an overwhelming guilt as she saw the blood running down his face. "Ron I'm so sorry." She whispered.

Just as she left the room with Draco she looked behind her to see Harry casting a spell in Ron's nose to fix it. She couldn't believe what had just happened. She had punched Ron.

A/N:Hay. So now Ron knows. I think that the next few chapters some interesting stuff is going to happen. Also I'm sorry but I have decided to make this a slow burn. Anyway thank you for reading this far, and if you have any thoughts about what may happen next please comment. BYEEE!

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