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It had been about fourteen hours since Draco left meaning it must have been afternoon when she had originally woken up. It was now eight in the morning and the sun was shining through the window to where she lay on the bed. She hadn't been able to sleep since she found Crookshanks who was now curled up in a ball beside her. Her whole body felt as though it was trying to tell her the something was wrong, that something had happened while she slept. So she now had an overwhelming sense of worry about what Draco had had to do.

There was a light knock at the door and she turned to see as a small house elf, even smaller than Dobbie, walked in holding a trey of food.

"Master said you would be needing good food to get your strength back." She said with a very squeaky voice. She placed the trey on one of the night stands and then was very fast in trying to leave but before she could Hermione stoped her.

"Wait!" She blurted out as she got to her feet. "Whats your name."

She looked up shyly, almost as if she were frightened of doing something wrong. "My name is Bobbin." She said.

As Hermione looked at the elf she saw that she wasn't wearing a pillowcase as most house elves chose to adorn but in fact a very small blue dress and a pair of tiny leather shoes. "Bobbin you are wearing clothes, did your master free you?"

The little elf nodded. "Master Draco gave us all clothes at the end of the war and said that we were all free but that if we wanted we can stay and work with a salary."

She raised an eyebrow at the fact that Draco was now their master and not his father or mother, she would have to ask him about it when he came back, if he came back. "What did the rest of the elves choose to do?"

"Most of them stayed here. Would that me all Miss Granger?"

"Is there any way you can get my wand?"

"No I'm sorry, Master Draco is the only one who knows where it is." With that the little elf left the room without another word.

Hermione turned to the trey that Bobbin had brought in and saw that it was one of the nicest looking breakfasts she had seen. It was musli with fresh yogurt, laden with fresh fruits of sliced apple, blueberries and cranberries, all drizzled with honey to sweeten it. On the other side of the trey was a mug of black coffee at precisely the right temperature so she wouldn't have to wait for it to cool. She picked up the mug, the warmth seeping into her hands that she didn't notice were cold. She took a sip. It was just as she liked it.

Had Draco organised all of this? Every time she thought of him her heart ached a bit, all she could think about was that she didn't know where he was or if he was dead. He said him self that he could be dead. She quickly ate her breakfast, and headed into the bathroom.

She pondered on whether or not to use the giant copper bath and after a few minutes decided that a bath would be good. She turned the tap and water streamed out of the two copper taps on the bath and then had a look in one of the cupboards that she found was fully stocked with all sorts of shampoo, conditioner and other products, very similar to the top draw of the vanity that seemed to contain makeup in every shade imaginable.

She found a jar of lavender scented bath salts and scattered them into the hot bath water. As she relished in the heat she sank into the bath. As her hands touched the water pain shot through her fingers from the runes carved on her hands. If and when Draco came back she was going to make him tell her why they were there. She wasn't overly fond of baths but as she lay there, the mirky water up to her chin she had to admit that it was the most relaxed she had felt in a while. Hermione lay in the bath until her fingers wrinkled and the water went cold, and it was only then that she got out, wrapped a towel around her and headed into the bedroom.

As she opened the wardrobe she almost gasped. She had thought that is was going to be something like a closet, similar to the one in her own room but it was anything but that. It was a walk in wardrobe, the walls on either side of her lined with dresses, skirts, trousers, shirts, waistcoats, ball gowns. It was more clothes than she owned. Her eyes were imedietly drawn to the dress she had warn on christmas eve, hanging in the corner, the tears and rips had been rapaird and it looked almost as pristine as when she bought it. Next to it on the floor was the shoes she wore as well, the gem stones glittering in the lights.

She found a cream blouse and paired it with a pair of black trousers. As she looked in the mirror she remembered that she had cut her arm when fighting the basilisk. She lifted the sleeve of her top up and looked at the reflection. There was nothing there, just a small white line where someone had healed it.

She moved to sit on the edge of the bed but as she did she knocked of the copy of Pride and Prejudice that was on the nightstand. She picked it up and opened it to the first page where she saw written in a tidy scrawl four words, 'property of Draco Malfoy'. It was his copy of the book that he had given her. She had so many questions about why she was alive, how she was alive. Just as she placed the book back on the table and turned towards the door.

She knew that it was probably dangerous but she couldn't help wondering what else was in this mansion that she hadn't seen. She walked out into the hallway and rather than turning right as she had last time, she headed left and started a walk to who knows where.

A/N: Thank you so much for all of the reads, the votes and the comments, I can't believe it had 3k reads. I'm happy that you have stuck around long enough to read this. In a few chapters there is hopefully going to be some really sad chapters so I hope you like angst. BYEEE!!!

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