47-Flashback 5-Acceptance

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Spells would be to noisy to do what he had to do. He had stolen a small ebony dagger from a weapons rack near by and just as he was about to leave something caught his eye, a mask on one of the tables jet black resembling a demon and much like a Japanese Oni mask that he had seen when he went to Japan with his father. He couldn't let anyone see his face because then his cover would be blown and everything would go to hell. He placed the mask over his face and marvelled at how it seemed to make him feel as though he had the power to do anything. He was now upstairs lurking in a shadowy hallway. He knew there were two guards guarding Ginny, so he quietly looked around the corner of the door. One guard was asleep in a chair very close to him and the other guard was stood facing the cage, taunting Ginny. She was clearly very week, had probably been here for days with no food. She was curled up in a ball like a small animal avoiding its captors.

"Potter is going to come for you, you know." The guard crouched down to the floor so he could get closer to her. "That's the only reason we are keeping you alive. Then once we have him we get to torture you and you know what, we're aloud to do anything to you."

That was it. He held the cool ebony dagger in his hand, the cold metal hilt against his palm steaming him as he moved to behind the guard and slit the man's throat. Warm blood sprayed over his face as the man dropped to the floor. It was then that the other man rose from his slumber so Draco stabbed him in the neck and lowered him back into the chair as he drowned in his own blood.

Within seconds he had taken the key of the body of the guard on the floor and he was opening the cage. Ginny seemed to be in shock as no words or sounds came from her lips as he took her hand and lead her out of the room. "Wait I need my bag." She said suddenly.

She pulled her had away and ran into another room and back out again seconds later with a satchel bag over her shoulder. Whatever it was, it was important otherwise she wouldn't have risked it. He had to get out of the building to be able to apparate out of there so they walked back along the corridor.

There was no one else in the building but he remembered there being two guards posted by the door so once they get out they would have to make a run for it.

He walked to the door and placed his hand on the brass nob and turned it and as soon as the door began to open they sprinted out into the street and apparated. The last thing Draco saw before they vanished was the angered faces of ten men as the ran forward trying to grab him.

The next thing he knew he was back in the main hallway of his house, blood dripping from the knife at his side onto the black and white tiled floor.

"GINNY!!" Harry ran out from the sitting room and immediately pulled her into his arms. "Are you okay, what happened?"

"I'm okay, I'm fine." She said shaking in his arms.

Draco pulled the mask from his face and was shocked to see the surprise on her face when she saw that it was him wearing it, it must be enchanted so you don't know who is wearing it he thought.

Harry took one look at Draco, at the fresh blood sprayed across his face and mask, and Draco knew what was coming before it happened.

"You killed someone."

"I did what I had to."

"No you didn't, these people working for him, have been brainwashed, we should be helping them not killing them."

"We are at a time now where we don't have a choice." Harry could no longer look at him and remained silent. "Harry I need you to come with me, there is something you need to see."

"What is it?"

Draco lead him and Ginny to the room where Hermione was unconscious and as they entered the room Ginny immediately covered her mouth with her had and moved over to the bed where she took her hand in hers. Harry just stood ridged in the doorway as his features paled and his eyes widened.

"We thought she was dead." Harry choked out.

"She was dead I think, but somehow her body kept on living and detached her soul from her so that she could survive."

Tears started to fall from Ginny's eyes as she griped Hermione's hand. "It said in the documents that she was dead. I can't...can't believe it."

"What do you mean documents?" Draco responded.

Ginny looked up at him her eyes now blood shot. "We wanted to find out what Voldemort was planning for Harry so me and some other rebels broke into the ministry looking for a book that we had gotten a tip off, that apparently had some kind of ancient magic in it. We got a book but it was the wrong one." She tapped the satchel at her side. "While I was there I saw documents, lists of who they were hunting, who was on their side, who was dead. It said she was dead." She looked sadly back to Hermione. "It was then that we apparated back to Hogsmead but we got caught then, I was the only one left alive."

"I'm sorry." He looked at her and saw that just like him, she too was scarred from this war already. They stood in silence for a minute. "You two can stay in the room opposite this one for the time being, while we think of a plan."

With that he left the room and went to his own. Blaise and Pansy were probably already asleep by now. He immediately went into the bathroom and stared at himself in the mirror. There were small droplets of blood on his face, dried now turned a rust colour. He looked down at his hands and saw that they were almost completely covered in the same dried blood. He had killed people, innocent people who didn't know what they were doing.

He ran the tap and started to scrub the blood off his hands but no matter how hard he scrubbed it wouldn't come off. Those people could have been saved. This was so different to when he had killed people in the past, that had always been from someone else's orders. This was all him. He watched as tears fell from his face onto his still stained hands, as he scrubbed with the nail brush. He chose to do this. There was no going back from this. His hands hurt. Harry was right. Their blood was on his hands and it would never go away.

There would be no acceptance for what he had done. He would never let himself forget.

A/N: Hay sorry I haven't posted recently. I will be posting more consistently so don't worry. A lot more stuff is going to be happening now so good luck reading it. BYEEE!!!!

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