37-The Cloaked Figure

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Draco's heart was in his mouth as he hit the ground outside the chamber, a shocked Blaise taking a step back. "What happened, are you okay?"

"This can't be happening." He immediately got to his feet and all he could think about was how in his dream it was only a few seconds from this that she got killed. He had to think, this can't be happening. He heard two apparition noises, one after the door closed, it could have been her teleporting out of there.

He just had to get in there and check, to make sure that she got out with her life. He touched the door just as he had done in his dream to open the door, but as his fingers brushed against the metal nothing happened, there was no whirring of gears behind the metal, no movement of the snakes on the door. "No!" He banged his fists desperately on the door. "I have to know that she wasn't in there when the door closed!" Draco cried as he fell to his knees hands still resting on the chamber of secrets door.

"Who?" Blaise replied, confusion written across his features.


"Just open you stupid door. Just open. I can't lose her." As soon as he said it the snake started to move and the door started to open.

"Draco." Blaise said, a frightening look on his face and a startled look in his eye. "You just spoke like a snake."

"What do you mean, all I said was for the door to open and that I can't loose her."

He shook his head. "I think you were speaking parcel tongue."

Hermione was stood facing two Deatheaters, one very tall, the other shorter and scrawny, her wand gone, only armed with the sword at her side which she gripped tightly in her hand, knowing that if they were going to use an unforgivable curse she would be completely defenceless.

"Hermione Granger." The voice coming from one of the Deatheaters sounded slightly familiar to her although the way her name was spoken had a slight air to it that made the speaker sound unhinged, it sent a shiver down her back.

"Aren't you going to kill me, or would you rather taunt me first."

The shorter scrawny Deatheater spoke first. "We do like to play with our food before we eat it." The taller one immediately shot a look towards the other one that made him cower backwards, and then disappeared, teleporting to who knows where.

"Now that it is just the two of us," he responded, "I have been asked to make you an offer, either you can come with me, become part of the cause and gain power or I will kill you here and now." The voice now sounded even more familiar, she just couldn't put her finger on who it was.

Suddenly there was a loud scraping sound and she turned to see that the door to the chamber was opening, it had to be Harry or Ron as they were the only people she knew of that could speak parcel tongue or at least mimic it, but as she looked neither Ron nor Harry stepped through the door, it was Draco meaning that some how he could speak parcel tongue, followed by Blaise.

There was a look in his eyes that she had never seen before, a look that could only be described as pure violence and rage. He continued to walk closer, wand drawn, ready to attack. Blaise must have noticed that something bad was going to happen because he immediately teleported over to the Ravenclaw boy and then looked to Draco who responded with a nod, leaving Blaise to apparate out of there, leaving the three of them alone.

"Ah Draco, it's been a while don't you think." The Deatheater drawled. As she looked towards Draco it seemed that he knew exactly who this person was, as there was a look of realisation on is features followed by fear.

"Hermione, get behind me now!"

"I don't think so. Perhaps I should teach you two some manners." The man in the mask breathed, and with the slightest flick of his wand he cast a full body bind jinx on her. "How about we show this filthy mudblood her place. Kneel." Her whole body felt cold and numb as her nerves worked on their own, making her fall to her knees on the floor. As she hit the ground she heard Draco gasp, and take a few steps forward before he was interrupted by the man again. "Take another step son, and I'll kill her."

Son. It was Draco's father, Lucius Malfoy. He pulled the mask from his face, and tore the hood off. It was definitely him, the same white hair, the same sour facial expression, the only difference was a crazed look in his eye making him seem as though he had gone mad.

"I'll do anything you say, just don't hurt her."

"No son, you will do anything I say whether you like it or not." He looked to Hermione again. "The dark lord has requested that you join his side." He flicked his wand, allowing her to speak and move her head.

"I would never join you, I would rather die."

"Fine then..."

"Don't you dare hurt her." Draco yelled.

Suddenly a large smirk spread across his fathers face, making him seem even more insane. "Of course I won't hurt her Draco. But you will."

With that he turned his wand to point it at Draco, and before Draco could do anything to dodge or block the spell, the word 'Imperio' echoed through the chamber followed by Hermione's own scream.

Draco knew what was going on. He was under the imperious curse. He just didn't care that he was. Everything just didn't matter. He looked towards the girl on the floor who he had grown to care about so much and felt a tiny slither of clarity sink it's way into his mind. "Draco you have to resist."She yelled. No. He did care. He wasn't going to do what his father wanted any more.

He felt as his own father controlled him, and moved his wand to point at Hermione. No. He could tell what his father was going to make him do, he had to resist. He concentrated and managed to speak. "No...father...stop."

"It seems you are strong willed Draco, I should have known that you would take after me when it came to spells of the mind."

He had clarity of the situation but he still couldn't break the control his father had over his body. His wand continued to point at Hermione. It was then that he looked to his father where he smirked once more as he moved his wand. At that point Draco's arm moved and from his lips came the word 'Crucio'.

No. As he said it under his fathers command, red light streamed from his wand and hit Hermione square in the chest. All she could do was scream in pain, and because to the body bind curse she couldn't move as someone normally would when hit with the cruciatus curse. When the spell finished her head slumped forward as her breathing grew ragged. He tried to turn away but his father made him watch.

"Now how about we finish this." His father drawled.

"No."was all he could get out before his hand moved again and the words "avada kedavra" left his mouth. The last thing he saw before green light shot from his wand was Hermione's dark hazel eyes looking up at him. As soon as he cast the spell his father let go of his hold on him, and he immediately ran to her and when he saw her he fell to his knees. He didn't realise his eyes were closed until he opened them only to see Hermione's limp body on the stone floor. No this couldn't be happening, the one hope in his life couldn't be dead. He took hold of her body and pulled her close to him, brushing a lock of her hair from her face with his shaking hand.

"No. No. Please. This isn't happening." He felt as tears dropped from his eyes. "NOOOOO" He yelled up at the celling. He pulled her closer to him and buried his face in her hair, breathing in her coffee scent as he sobbed.

"Perhaps now you will understand why you shouldn't waste your time with mudblood scum."

He looked up at Lucius, struggling to focus on him through the rage and anger now in his veins. "You are going to regret this father. You are going to regret the day that you killed Hermione Granger." With that Draco shouted "Expelliarmus", catching Lucius off guard, catapulting his and Hermione's wands into the air which he caught before grabbing the sword of Gryffindor, and apparating both him and Hermione's body out of the chamber.

A/N: Sorry. This is not the end.

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