51-Linked Souls

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Hermione grabbed her wand and shot it up at the man who had stabbed her, his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he was hit with the knocking out spell.

She needed to apparate out of here. She pressed her hand to the wound at her side. There was blood. She brought her want to the wound and used the simple stitching up spell that she had been taught by Draco. Slowly her skin started to stitch itself back together, it hadn't healed completely but it had stopped bleeding. She knew that she was too weak to apparate though.

She got to her feet but as she did, a strange alarm stated to sound all around her. They knew she was here. There must have been a detection jinx on the man that had stabbed her. She headed out into the hall and shut the door behind her.

She started walking straight towards the the entry hall holding her side. She just had to get out of here. Suddenly she heard footsteps rushing towards her, so she started to run. There was still blood dripping from her side where the wound hadn't healed properly.

She stumbled down another hallway, grabbing onto the wall to steady herself, leaving a bloody hand print on the tiles. She kept running. The footsteps were getting closer. She heart was in her mouth, her pulse beating ferociously, and as she ran her hands started to feel clammy, whether that was from sweat or blood she didn't know.

Suddenly she rounded a corner and she was met with a dead end. She kept going trying every door in the corridor but to no avail. A second later a small army of men rounded the corner, all in their guard armour. Some had been hypnotised by the crown, bust some hadn't, she could see it in their eyes, they were doing this by choice.

They drew their wands.

She drew her wand, holding the wood steady in her hand.

Suddenly there was a loud crack behind her, and then he'll broke loose. A man had appeared. Cloaked and adorned in ebony armour, holding a wand in one hand and a blade in the other hand. She looked to the man's face only to see a familiar oni mask.

This was no man. This was Draco. This was the Phantom.

Within seconds he was slicing the throat of one man whilst with the other hand he used a spell to pin a man against the wall, as soon as he had the man started to scream as live snakes slithered from his mouth, out his nose, and then his eyes. Green serpents were now on the floor as Draco cast spell after spell. One man started to melt as if he were a freshly lit candle, his flesh turning to liquid before his very eyes. Two men he vaporised, the rest he slaughtered with his dagger. There was blood everywhere, several men had fallen to the floor and were trying to crawl away out of pure terror.

It didn't take long for there only to be one man left. Draco held him up against the wall by his throat and toor the helmet off. Shock was now on his face and Hermione's blood ran cold. It was Seamus Finnegan. Draco whispered in his ear and as he did a look of complete horror passed over Seamus's face. He let him go and in an instant he vanished, teleported.

In a second moment, he was holding her hand and they were back in the entryway of Malfoy Manor.

"Let me heal you wound." Was the first thing he said to her.

She turned away from him and crossed her arms. "I was fine, you didn't have to come and get me you know."

"Really? You were fine? There were like twenty hypnotised soldiers after you."

"I sill could have handled it." She looked back at him. "How did you even know where I was, I'm thinking you knew about the wound before you saw the blood too?"

He took off his mask, took off the outer armour that he dropped to the floor with a clunk and lifted his shirt. There across his torso was a half healed wound, exactly the same as hers. "I knew you were hurt."

"So were linked now? So every time I stub my toe or bite my tongue you will feel it too?"

"No it's only off it's from external forces, so if you got hit by a spell or if I got hit over the head with a bat."

"We would both feel it."

He nodded.

She pulled up the edge of her top, and he took out his wand and cast a quick healing spell leaving the area a little pink. It would be gone tomorrow. He lifted up his shirt and his wound was gone too.

"I never should have told you to go Hermione, I'm sorry, I've just been so worried about you."

"I know Draco."

"In fact, I can't stand it when I'm not with you, it physically pains me."

She looked up into his icy blue eyes.

"I know I said I love you but I don't think you realise the extent that I am."

Her heart was starting to race, and she felt as heat flooded her cheeks, her ears.

He took a step towards her, inches away from her. He looked quickly down at her lips then back to her eyes.

"I would do anything for you, I would kill for you, I would die for you. I would destroy the world for you."

She looked towards his lips. "Draco I...need some air."

She turned and opened one of the large doors, and stepped out onto the gravel at the front of the mansion. It was raining heavily, and at that time of night that it was so dark you couldn't see more than a couple of metres in front of you. What was she doing? What was she going to do? She knew what she wanted to do?

She felt as her hair and her clothes got soaked from the pouring rain. She felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and looked up into Draco's eyes. She hadn't noticed when she had decided it but she knew she wanted to be with Draco for the rest of her life. And she knew now that she would kill for him, die for him and destroy the world for him.

They stood like that in the rain for a moment. Staring into each others eyes.

Then her lips were on his. It was as if heaven and hell were both free of their confinement. It was beautiful, it was dangerous, it was ecstasy. His kiss was harsh, almost as though he were an man in a desert finally finding water. She needed him as much as he needed her it seemed. Every brush of his lips against hers sent shivers down her back, and fire down to her abdomen. Suddenly his lips moved down from her mouth, down her neck and then settled on her collar bone. She felt as his hand found the hem of the back of her shirt and then traveled under the fabric. His fingertips were like flames of the cold skin of her back.

Suddenly she found herself wrapping her legs around his waist and he backed her into a wall.

She remembered how it had been the night of the masquerade. Where that was like the lick of a candle, this felt like hell fire. His lips were back on hers, as she felt his hands travel further up her back.

"Draco." She breathed out when he moved back to her neck.

"What?" He breathed in between kisses.

"Won't someone hear us?"

"Who cares, I want to hear you scream."

"Make me then."

His kisses became even more harsh and hot. His other hand found it's way into her hair where he pulled out her hair tie. "I've always loved your curls." He breathed onto her neck.

A/N: I know.

Coffee and Spearmint Toothpaste - DramioneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang