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Draco couldn't breathe. As soon as he left the common room he immediately detransfigured and loosened his tie. He had to get away from here, away from people. He started walking, not knowing where too, just letting his feet guide him away from all those people. He felt as his breathing quickened and his hands began to shake. This couldn't be happening he thought. His father was now out of prison. He knew it and he could feel it. There would be no escaping his fathers madness now. Everything was going to plan but now everything he had put into place in the last few months was going to crumble to the ground.

After his father had been sent to prison all he had felt was relief, he no longer had to pretend to be someone he wasn't, didn't have to hurt people, and didn't have to live up to ideals pushed on him as a child. For the first time in years he had seen his mother smile. Now his father was out he new that things would go back to the way they were.

All he had to do was win this tournament and he could prove to his father that he could look after his mother, prove that he was a Malfoy so that his father would finally respect him, he didn't even want the wish. Now his whole world felt upside down. His plan was ruined.

"Draco!" He heard a voice, that sweet voice.

He opened his eyes, which he didn't even know were closed to see Hermione's concerned face staring back at him. It was just them, in one of the corridors on what seemed to be third floor.

"Draco, you are making it rain."

Only then he realised that there was indeed rain  falling from the ceiling, his hair was dripping with water and his shirt was soaked through. How he didn't notice he was making it rain he didn't know.

"Are you okay?" She was too kind, to nice.

He should have known he would never escape the dark side of his family, the dark past. She took a step towards him, her hand outstretched. She shouldn't be friends with him. She was too good of a person to be friends with him. He took a step back lest he corrupt her.

"I...my father, if he is out, he has changed in prison, the dementors have made him go mad. All of his ideals from before have increased ten fold. If he is back, things will go back to the way they were before the war, I...I won't be able to be my self, we won't be friends Hermione."

He turned away from her, not being able to look into her hazel eyes any longer.

"Draco, there are so many more possibilities than what you think. There are other things at play here, he may not have even gone back to Malfoy Manor."

She placed a hand on his shoulder, the warmth from her palm seeping into her shoulder. How strange it was that it's warmth made him shiver.

"But if he has, if there is the slightest chance that he will come back into my life he will find out about you being my friend and he will make an example out of you, he will torture you Hermione and...and he will make me watch. Just like what happened with my aunt just worse."

"Draco, this might not even have happened. Your father might still be in Azkaban."

He turned back around to look her in the eye, taking her hand of his shoulder and let it go.

"We shouldn't be friends Hermione. If you are as smart as people say you are, I would leave now if I were you and forget my worthless soul even existed. I don't even know how this happened."

"You can't just say that, not now."

"Yes I can." He was going to walk off but something tugging in his chest made him stay.

"You have been here for me at a time when no one else was, I'm not going to let you just say that. You...you mean too much to me to just let you go like that." He thought he could see tears in her eyes. "If you won't fight then I will. You are going to write a letter to your mother and ask her if your father has turned up, if not then everything is fine, if he has then we will think of something."

"I'm so close to obliviating you right now, making you forget all about me."

"You wouldn't dare." She pulled out her wand, before he even started to reach for his and in one swift movement it was her that had pinned him to the wall, her wand pressed against his neck. "If you even reach for your wand you are going to regret it."

"And what exactly are you going to do Granger."

He didn't know how or why, but his stupid brain found this predicament funny, whether that was the irony of her pinning him to the wall rather than the other way around or the fact that with out her even having to whisper a word he would be dead, he didn't know. All he knew was that as he looked down at her he started to laugh.

"Really, are you laughing at my threat Malfoy?" She smirked. "I suppose I'll have to think of something that would really scare you."

"Hmm I dare you."

"What if I kissed you?"

He was no longer laughing, the way her inquisitive eyebrow quirked at one edge, the way her smile tilted at a dangerous angle made him think she might actually do it. He couldn't move, his heart started to beat so fast he could feel it in his chest and his mind had gone completely blank, he couldn't even remember what he was thinking off. Suddenly she got a lot closer, so close that as she whispered he could feel her hot breath on his neck, smell the faint sweetness of coffee and vanilla.

"Oh Draco, you should know me better than that by now." With that she stepped back, letting go of him completely and flicked her wand. His clothes and hair were instantly dry from the rain he had caused.

"I'll see you tomorrow Draco, for dance practice."

To his complete surprise then, she just turned and left, her chocolate curls bouncing behind her as she walked.

What just happened, he thought. Was she going to kiss him and thought better of it? Did he want her to kiss him? Did he want to kiss her back? He had about a million questions floating around his brain now and at least ninety percent of those questions could have been answered if Hermione wasn't the most complicated yet incredible girl he had ever met.

"Shit!" He whispered to himself.

He needed to write a letter.

A/N:Hay, I have absolutely no idea where I was going with this but I hope you liked it. Thank you for all the reads. I have decided that this is probably going to be very long so I hope you like slow burn ;) BYEEE!

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