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"Draco!" She rushed towards him as he fell to the ground. "What happened?"

His eyes were shut as he slumped forward, resting his head on her shoulder. "We were...attacked." He coughed, spluttering blood over his pale lips.

"What do you mean you were attacked."

"I...I can't explain it now." He handed her his wand with his blood covered hand. "I need you to heal this." He lifted up the edge of his top revealing a large hole, the edges of which were slightly charred, it looked as if he had been shot with a delayed explosive spell, one she had never seen the likes of before. "If you need..." He coughed up blood again. "If you need any potions just acio them."

It was clear that he was in no position to perform spells. She lowered him to the floor. She only knew so much about healing spells but she knew enough to know that she was going to need far more than a basic healing spell. What ever spell had shot at him had made a hole straight through the muscle in his abdomen meaning she was going to have to regrow the muscle there.

She raised Draco's wand in the air and shouted. "Acio essence of Dittany, acio blood replenishing potion."

The two bottles flew into the room from somewhere within the giant mansion and she immediately uncorked the essence of Dittany and began to drip small amounts of it onto the edges of the muscle. The potion was usually used for regrowing skin but she knew that if she used a healing spell along with it it would help to replicate and regrow the muscle cells. She lifted his wand above the would and started to recite a guided healing spell. Almost immediately the muscles started to regrow and tabs watched as the hole closed up. Her hands were now slippery with his blood as she continued to wave her wand over his abdomen and watched as the skin knitted back together.

He sat up still holding his side.

"Draco you are going to tell me what's going on right now?"

"I can't, I have been sworn to secrecy with the unbreakable vow. I'm not allowed to tell anyone." He hung his head almost guiltily and ran a hand through his hair. It was only now that Hermione realised what he was wearing, they were wizard fighting armours. It was a combination of black leather and a very dark chain mail that almost looked like it was made from obsidian. He must have noticed that she was looking because he responded. "I think you can tell what I've been doing."

He got up to his feet and took his wand out of her hand and with a quick flick he vanished all trace of the blood on both his clothes and her hands. He took the blood replenishing potion and drank it all, wincing from the bitter taste.

She couldn't believe this, how had everything changed so much in only two months. "Draco I ne... no you are going to tell me what's going on and if you can't tell be because of a stupid unbreakable vow then we will find a was around it, you could write it down or I could use legitimacy."

"Its going to be a lot harder than that, things have changed Hermione."

"No you have changed, what possibly could have happened in the last two months that was so bad that you have given up hope so completely." She took a step towards him but regretted it instantly, there was a cold rage about him, almost as if anger and pain and the horrors of what ever he had been through in the last few months were radiating off him.

"I...I have had to to things," He swallowed, "things that no one should ever have to do." He turned away as if the guilt of the things he had done was to much, to much to look her in the eye.

"Please just show me some how, let me help you. What ever it is let me be here for you." She reached out a hand and lifted it to his cheek, bringing his attention back to her. His skin was icy cold to the touch, so cold that she wondered how he wasn't shivering. He seemed to lean into her touch for a second before pulling away.

"Even if I could show you some how, you would..."

"Don't you dare say that I would de disgusted by what you have had to do, I know that what ever it is that you have done you would never have done it intentionally."

He looked deep into her eyes, into he vary soul, as if he were seeing her clearly for the first time since she had been awake. "There may be a way of showing you but there will probably be parts missing that."

"What do you mean?"

"A pensieve could work but I have had my memory wiped several times over the last two months."

"You have had your memory wiped?" She couldn't help covering her mouth at the statement. But she nodded her head in response.

"Come with me then." They immediately left the room and started walking further up to corridor and around the corner where they stopped in front of two large wooden doors. Draco hastily pushed open the two doors to reveal a large library, a library possibly even bigger than the one at Hogwarts.

Hermione was at awe. It was two floors full of books, with a few armchairs dotted around and a spiral staircase in one corner. She couldn't even comprehend the amount of knowledge there was hidden in this one room. Draco chuckled.

"What?" She frowned up at him.

"You really love this, don't you?"

"I don't know what you mean?" She sneered as she crossed her arms defensively over her chest.

"Hermione, I don't think I have ever seen you smile this much, you are completely ecstatic." He smirked.

"I'm not."

He chuckled again. "You can come in here when ever you want."

"Really?" She smiled excitedly.

Hermione immediately composed herself from the excitement of the library and walked further out into the room. He nodded his head in response and walked over to one of the book shelves near the door and pulled on one of the books slightly. A book titled 'the pensieve'. Suddenly a section of the bool shelves started to turn around revealing a pensieve on the other side of the wall.

Draco took his wand and pulled a memory from the side of his head and cast it into the small pool of water. Hermione lowered her face into the water and the last thing she saw before being transported into the past was Draco's icy blue eyes staring back at her.

A/N: I hope you have all enjoyed the last few chapters and I'm sorry it it was a bit intense but that's not going to be the end. Thank you for reading this far and thank you for all the comments, I love to know what you think. BYEEE!!!

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