10- After hours

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"Well, based of the way the sentence is set out and the fact that the symbol at the bottom of the page looks like a wand, it might be one of those very old spells you have to chant. It's in Hogwarts: A History." She had taken one of her books out of her bag and was reading over her notes.

"Wow Granger you really haven't changed have you."

"Of course you would say that, everyone changed after the war, you are just to shallow to notice."

He scoffed. "Like you could point out where I have changed."

"Actually I recon I could."

"Go on then Granger."

For the first time she felt like she was really looking at him. Looking through him. She leaned forward, closing her note book and holding it on her lap.

"I think you are broken." A sudden darkness passed over his eyes. It seemed as though there was a small gap in his usual calm mask but with in a second it was gone and her was smirking again.

"Everyone is broken after the war Granger, even you."

"No I think you were broken before the war. There was something about you in the last two that seemed as though you had changed."

"Well being told to kill somebody or be killed will do that to a person."

There was a deafening silence between them then. As Hermione held onto the book she tightened her grip, the corner of the hard leather biting into her hands. "I didn't mean anything by it, I just meant that none of us are the same person as we were three years ago."

He sneered. "Well if that's all you can work out about the clue then I'm going back to my common room." With that he got up from the sofa and left abruptly, the large oak doors slamming shut behind him leaving Hermione alone in the room of requirement.

Draco couldn't understand what she was playing at. This girl that was obsessed with books and learning was the most complicated person he had ever met. They barely knew each other, barely even spoke until now, and all of a sodden she thought she knew who he was, what he was on the inside. How could she. They were enemies. She didn't know anything about him.

Draco suddenly realised that he was walking very fast towards the dungeons. Too fast, if he wasn't careful he would get caught by teachers patrolling the corridors. He had to admit that he was an idiot for getting himself into this situation, he should never have made a deal with Granger.

As he rounded the corner he almost walked straight into someone and his heart sank when he realised that it was Professor McGonagall patrolling the corridors.

"Well, well Mr Malfoy out of bed. I'm sorry but I'll have no choice but to give you detention tomorrow after lessons. Go on and get back to the dungeons." She said with a frustrated tone to her voice.

How could he be so careless. He let out a sigh and continued in the direction on the common room. He couldn't believe he got caught.

As soon as he got into the dungeons he slammed the door and collapsed onto one of the leather sofas.

"Jeez Draco what happened? Was Granger being an idiot again?" Blaise sat forward in the armchair by the fire place and

"No, its the complete opposite, the insufferable know-it-all has tricked me into helping her when I thought it was me tricking her. And now we are connected in this team and until someone wins we have to work together."

"I just don't understand why you agreed to this in the first place."

"She said she would do it if I showed her how to manipulate someone but it is quite clear that she already knows how to manipulate people which makes me think that there is some other reason for why she made that deal."

"I think you need to find out what she is plotting."

"I'll tell you one thing, she won't get away with this, I will ruin her."

Hermione left the room shortly after Malfoy and not wanting to bump into him again she decided to take the long route to the common room. Now that he knew that she had tricked him she had to make sure that he didn't know what her real motives were. As she wandered through the corridors she couldn't help wondering what Malfoy would get out of all this, teaming up with her, deciding to make a deal with her, then actually keeping his part of the bargain.

It was so strange to see him like this, she had never thought of him as someone to keep their word on anything.

Just as she was walking through the corridor leading toward the common room her heat stopped as someone said 'lumos' at the very and of the hall. As the light appeared at the end of the wand she looked to see professor McGonagall holding it.

"Miss Granger, you as well, I certainly didn't expect you to be out of bed at this hour, especially not breaking the rules and walking around the halls at night."

She frantically searched her for a lie to be out of bed because she couldn't possibly tell Professor McGonagall that she had met up with Malfoy in the room of requirement to discuss the clue and manipulating Ron.

"I was trying to find a book that I left in the astronomy tower yesterday."

"Ah, well it's still not acceptable to go wandering around the castle at night. I'll have no choice but to give a detention for tomorrow, I'll send you a letter by owl of where to go. Now go back to the dormitory."

McGonagall sent her on her way back to the common room, and she wondered about how she had said 'you as well' and she immediately began to think that she new exactly who else was going to end up in detention with her. Malfoy.

A/N: Hay. This one took ages to write, and I mean ages because I just couldn't think of what to write. I thought it would be interesting to get some more parts from Draco's perspective but I don't really know if it's a good idea so if you would like to see some more please comment. Also thank you for reading and voting. I know this chapter is kinda short but the next chapter should make up for it. BYEEE!

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