48-Flashback 6-Revenge

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Harry and Ginny decided to leave Malfoy manor on the third day, Harry finally taking Dracos advice had decided to stay in a cottage in Ireland due to the fact that it was just too big of a risk for him to stay in England when they had no idea what Voldemort could be planing.

"We have to tell Ron." Harry said as they were getting ready to use a port key.

"No, you can't, the more people that know the more everyone will be at risk. Besides Ron is the first person they are going to look for when they figure out that you have left the country."

"Fine, but when this blows over you need to contact me immediately so I can help in the fight."

"Fine, are you ready?"

"Not quite." Ginny took a step forward and pulled a large red leather bound book out of her satchel.

"Ginny what are you doing?" Harry exclaimed.

"It's fine. Draco this is the book that I stole from the ministry." She turned it over in her hands before holding it out to him. "It's full of blood magic, stuff that has been outlawed for years and I think there may be something in there you could use to help Hermione."

"Ginny what if we need this!" Harry took a step forward, his piercing green gaze serious.

"We won't be needing it where we're going, besides we should be doing everything in our power to bring Hermione back."

Draco held the book in his hands, admiring the gold lettering on the front surrounding pa small glass sphere containing what appeared to be dried, powdered blood. "Thank you Ginny."

She smiled and took a few steps away to where she nearly down and placed her hand on a small ornate tea cup. "Come on Harry."

Harry then went and held the cup. "Thank you for saving her Draco." With that they both disappeared, teleporting to Ireland leaving Draco alone in the large dining room of Malfoy manor.

A week had past since he last saw Harry and Ginny, or had it been a month, he didn't know. Every time he went back to do the Dark Lords bidding he came back only remembering flashes of what he had done. There was always blood on his hands and he had no way of knowing whose it was. Was it his own blood? Had he killed another innocent person. He knew why this was happening, why he was having his memory wiped, it was so that he never knew the full picture. It had gotten so bad that at some point he had gotten into Hogwarts and gotten back Hermione's cat but couldn't remember doing it, only the sour look on the grumpy cats face when he gave it a bowl of milk and the cat upturned the bowl with out taking a sip.

When he wasn't doing the Dark Lords bidding he was going out, wearing the mask he had now become so fond of, and had started silting the throats of high ranking death eaters, once who he knew were definitely not brain washed and because of this he had gained a reputation. They called him The Phantom, not knowing who was behind the mask.

He had found a spell in the book of blood to join a soul back to its body, the only problem was that the whole book was in Latin so he was spending his nights translating the spell and what it entails, each night reminding him of when he and Hermione had to translate the clue at Hogwarts. That all all seemed so long ago to him.

His mother who had been distraught since his father had broken out of prison, and had rarely spoken had now taken a particular liking to the soul seer Emily. He would often look out of his bedroom window to see the two of them tending to the roses and various other plants in the garden, something he hadn't seen his mother do in years, since he himself was a child. He supposed that it had something to do with how his mother had always wanted a little girl.

Each night the translations of the book only became more and more complicated until finally the whole four pages containing the details of the spell were finished. He knew that what he was going to do was dangerous and he knew that there was a possibility that it could kill him but he was willing to make that sacrifice to bring her back.

He was stood in Hermione's room, her lifeless body like a sleeping angel. He was ready.

"I'm not sure about this Draco." Emily said, her small child voice full of confidence. "There is a reason why this magic has been outlawed."

"I know that."He looked to her. "All I need you to do is keep an eye on my soul and make sure hers comes back."

"Draco to do this you are literally going to tear your soul in half."Pansy butted in. "How does this work again Emily, you are the soul seer."

"He is going to use blood magic to split his soul into two, one part will say connected to his body, the other will find her soul and almost act like a needle and thread, it will stitch her soul back to her body. The only problem is that their souls will be forever linked, meaning that there might be side effects."

"She won't get hurt if I get hurt though ." Draco confirmed. If her would end up putting her in danger by getting hurt then he would find a different spell.


"Fine, I'm doing it." He stated.

"Draco just think about this for a moment."

"I'm done thinking and waiting." With that he brought a small dagger to his left hand and drew the same ruin as shown in the blood book. As soon as his skin was priced blood pooled in his palm, he switched hands and did the same to the other hand. He then took is wand and touched it to the fresh wound on his left hand and started to mumble the incantation from the book. As he did the blood rose from both of his hands and swirled in front of him before turning into a bright glowing light and going straight into Hermione's chest right above her heart.

"I can see her soul again."Emily sorted with joy.

Draco looked over to where hormone lay and watched as the ruins he had carved into his own hands appeared on her hand. Thats it. Had it worked? She didn't awake from her slumber, didn't move a muscle. 

"Draco you might have to wait a bit, her soul doesn't know its back yet." She said with a very calm voice.

He nodded in response and moved to sit down on the edge of the bed.

"She will never be the same after this you know, not only has she seen death but experienced it as well, chances are she will no longer fear any thing of the mortal realm, and she may even experience side affects from the spell."

"I don't care, as long as she is alive, and safe so I can apologise to her for everything I have gotten her into, for everything I have done."

"You didn't do this Draco." Pansy responded placing a had on his shoulder. "It was Voldemort."

He looked up. "Then I must get revenge." he whispered.

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