16-Slytherin Common Room

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It had been a few days since his scar had burned. Draco was sat at his desk in his room writing a letter. He signed it DM. He looked down at the cream coloured paper, piked up his wand and erased the 'DM' and replaced it with 'Your favourite person'. He looked down at the page and smirked to himself before folding it up into an origami bird and enchanting it to fly out the window and towards Granger's room.

He watched as it flew out over the surface of the lake and up into the cloudless night sky. All Granger had to do was meet him outside his common room entrance in an hour and he would do the rest. He supposed that all she would have to do is transfer her eyes and hair a different colour and change her uniform and she would be able to enter unnoticed.

The hour flew by and before he knew it he was waiting in the dungeon corridor for the brightest witch of her age. As he leaned against the wall, arms folded against his chest, he watched as she walked around the corner, hazel hair up in a messy bun held in place with her wand. "Is that really wise Granger?" He questioned as he gestured at her with his own wand.

"Is what wise?" She scoffed as she came closer.

"The wand in your hair smart-ass."

"Well it's not going to cast any spells by it's self now is it."

"You never know."

"So how do you suppose I'm going to get into the Slytherin Common Room of all places unnoticed."

"We will transfigure you okay. Now come with me." He took her by the arm and pulled her around the corner and into one of the bathrooms.

"This is the girls bathroom Malfoy."

"So. No one is going to be in here, it's the middle of the night."


"Now hold still, this will only take a second." He pulled the wand from her hair, letting the strands fall untidily over her shoulders. He held out his wand and ran the tip over the length of her hair and watched as it turned black and straight. Then he pointed it at her eyes turning them an emerald green, matching her robes that were now slytherin as well.

"There is something missing."


"Here." He took of his signet ring, that gleamed with his family crest and transfigured it into a necklace and placed it around her neck. "Also loosen your tie a bit." With that she brought her hands up to her neck and pulled at the dark green and silver tie.


"In my personal opinion you looked better before. Only thing you need to work on now is the slytherin attitude."

She rolled her eyes at him. "So are we going then."

"Sure." They left the bathroom and headed over to the common room doorway. "Next time transfigure yourself and open the door by saying what's on your tattoo."

"I know how these things work you know." She said as she gestured to her wrist.

"There's that slytherin attitude."

With that he said his own password to the door and it swung open to reveal the familiar common room.

Hermione couldn't believe her eyes. The entire room with its high ceilings and marble floors was cast in the light of the lake making the whole room look ethereal. There were fire places along a few of the walls bringing warmth to the room that she didn't think it could have.

"Welcome to slytherin Granger."

He took her by the elbow and guided her toward one of the stairs. "Where are we going?"

"My dorm room of course. We can't have anyone overhearing when we figure out what the clue is."

They walked up a flight of stairs and through a door. Hermione stepped out into a small circular room with three beds. "Why isn't anyone in here, you did say it was late?"

"Slytherin students tend to stay downstairs until at least twelve so we should be fine."

"What if people do come in though and they recognise me?"

"If you really want I will hang my tie on the door handle outside, that should stop people coming in."

"What would hanging your tie on the door handle do?"

"Oh Granger, Granger, Granger, you are innocent." He smirked.

"Can we just get on with the clue please."

"Sure." He walked over to what must have been his bed,pulled out a book from underneath it, and dropped it onto his bed. The tittle of the book read 'Latin for dummies'.

"Interesting tittle."

"Well it was the only book that Waterstones had."

"Really, you shop at Waterstones?A muggle shop."

"Of course, it's still a book shop at the end of the day, besides it doesn't matter if it's in the muggle world."

"Hmm, I never thought I'd hear those words come from you mouth, Malfoy."

"So have you ever translated anything before?"

"Nope, but I suppose we should give it a go."

They sat down on the edge of his bed and opened the book. The full translation took about an hour and when they had finished they couldn't help feeling even more confused. The clue now read

'Nineteen, twenty, five, twelve, twelve, one, four, eighteen, one, three, fifteen, fourteen, nine, nineteen'

"It's just a bunch of numbers, I was expecting a actual riddle or something, this doesn't make any sense." Malfoy said frustrated as he ran his hands through his hair. "I swear by Merlin I'm going to set this bloody clue on fire." With that he pulled out his wand and pointed it at the clue.

"No wait." Hermione stated as she picked up the clue and put it in her pocket.

"I'm not actually going to set it on fire." He replied and lowered his wand smiling. Suddenly Hermione watched as his smile turned into a frown and his eyebrows furrowed.

"What is it? Is it your scar?"

"No, it's just that, talking about setting things on fire. I don't think I cast a spell on the letter I sent you to make it catch fire after you have read it."


"What did you do with it? If someone finds it..."

She covered her mouth with both her hands. "I left it open on my bed."

"And I'm assuming that by now someone has already found it."

She nodded her head.


A/N:Hay, sorry this one is kinda short but I'll try and make the next one a bit longer. Also would you want to read a chapter from just Draco's POV? Thanks for reading. BYEEE!

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