39-The Yellow Eyes

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She had been in a coma for two months. She couldn't believe it, she had no knowledge of anything that had happened, people she cared about could have been hurt or killed.

"I..." She had to sit down. As if Draco had read her mind he pulled out a chair for her to sit down on. She didn't know how long she had been there with her head in her hands, when Draco placed his hand on her shoulder. As she looked up she saw that Pansy and Blaise were no longer in the room. She looked up at him, up at his icy blue eyes. "What happened to me, how am I here?"

"It's...it's a long story, maybe you should rest for a bit. Come with me." He held out his hand to her, and she took it but as she got to her feet her head started to spin. She held the side of her head quickly as it that would steady her.

"I don't think I can walk, I think I'll pass out."

His facial expression went from worried to serious in a matter of seconds as he replied. "I could carry you back to your room."

Something had changed about his demeanour and the way he reacted to things. In the past if he had suggested he carry me he would have been all smirks and flirty comments but now it was as he had experienced things so horrific that he couldn't behave the same way. He was so serious it was almost frightening. "Are...are you sure."

"Yes, if you walk you may hurt yourself so it's probably best for me to carry you." What had happened to him, no stupid comments, no rolling of his eyes.

"Okay then."

He stepped closer. "Put your arms around my neck."

She lifted her arms up and wrapped them around his neck as he lifted her from the chair and carried her towards the door, bridal style.

As he walked she rested her head against his chest and listened the the pounding of his heart and his lungs as he breathed. It was strange that this moment felt more intimate to her that their kissing session at the Christmas Eve ball, the way the she held him around the neck and could feel his pulse and how as he walked she could feel his arms tighten around her almost protectively. He was wearing a plain white shirt, open at the collar and as Hermione rested her head against him she caught the scent of pine trees and cut grass once again.

She didn't remember Malfoy Manor looking like this the last time she had been here but after all the last time she was imprisoned and tortured.

They turned a corner and entered a very familiar corridor when Draco suddenly stopped, his breath caught in his throat and he winced slightly. It was the dark mark and she knew it, the death eaters were being summoned, she looked down at the tattoo on his arm showing the skull and the snakes and strangely it looked as there were scratch mark's running across it that had recently healed. He seemed to notice where she was looking.

"He is calling for them isn't he." She said, unmistakably concern lacing her voice.

He didn't answer and just carried on walking until they came back to the room she had woken up in, where Draco placed her gently onto the bed and stepped away. "You have everything you need in here, and I'll have someone bring you food. If you want anything in particular there is a bell you can ring by the door and someone will come up."

"Wait where are you going?"

"I...I have business to attend to, I'll be back in a few hours, if I'm not back by tomorrow I'll send you a letter. If there is no letter then I am probably dead."

He made to leave the room but before he could Hermione spoke, her voice sounding slightly panicked. "Wait a dam minute Malfoy, are you saying that you might not be back for a whole day."

Frustrated he bunched his eyebrows. "It doesn't matter, just...don't go wandering around the house, you are perfectly safe here, it's just that it may be a shock for some people, I'll explain everything when I get back."


With that he apparated from the room leaving her alone. She felt as though her whole world was ending. Any number of things could have happened in that space of time and she would never know. Her own breath started to get ragged as she thought more of how many people could have died. She had died, hadn't she? She felt as a tear ran down her cheek and it was at that moment that she completely broke down. She covered her face with her hands and sobbed silently into her now scarred palms.

Was she even supposed to be here? If she had died how was she here, she had never heard of such magic before apart from the resurrection stone but even that didn't work completely. What repercussions would that kind of magic have on the natural order? On her? On who ever cast the spell.

She rolled onto her side, still sobbing into her hands, the tears staining the green silk sheets a darker shade and before she knew it she had drifted of into an uneasy sleep.

When she woke it was dark outside, and her tears had stoped leaving her eyes feeling dry and puffy. As she lay there staring up at the ceiling she could hear a slight tap, almost like nails on a pice of glass. She sat up and wandered over to where the souls was coming from and not to her surprise it was the window.

As she looked out through the glass onto the small widow ledge outside she saw a small pair of yellow eyes staring at her. She thought for a second that it was an owl but no, as she looked she recognised those eyes. It was Crookshanks.

She immediately opened the window to see her friend. She couldn't believe it. She had thought that her cat had probably ended up just roaming the grounds of Hogwarts, but here he was.

She quickly grabbed him and hugged him close to her chest, his orange fur tickling her nose.

A/N: I hope everyone is ok and enjoying the summer. Sorry if the last few chapters were a bit much but if you enjoyed it, not sorry. Please comment anything you want to see next. BYEE!!!

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