8-The Clue

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On the pice of paper was written some unknown words and underneath was a line with what appeared to be a spark at the end of it.

"Undeviginti, viginti, quinque, duodecim, duodecim, unus, quattuor, decem et octo, unus, tres, quindecim, quattuordecim, novem, undeviginti"

Hermione couldn't for the life of her work out what it was, it seemed like gibberish. She wondered if the line at the bottom meant to shine a light on it or something. She held out her wand. "Lumos." She said. And with that the end of her wand started to glow. She held the light over the pice of paper and not to her surprise, nothing happened.

After an hour she was still stumped at what it even was. So she decided to leave and go to the rest of her lessons that day. Time flew by in charms and defence against the dark arts, the later now being taught by Bill Weasley.

After dinner that night everyone was sat in the common room, either chilling from the busy day, doing homework or trying to work out the clue.

Just as Hermione was about to sit down next to Ginny and continue reading Pride and Prejudice she heard a high pitch giggling coming from the entrance and immediately turned her head to see Ron and Lavender walk into the common room. She instantly walked away back to her dorm room and walked over to the window. She quickly unlatched the window and opened it wide, letting in the evening air.

Suddenly she felt calmness rush over her as she breathed in the cold night air. It wasn't that she felt awkward around Ron and Lavender but it was more that she was worried what she might do. As she looked out upon the rest of the school and the black lake she saw something white out of the corner of her eye and as she turned to see what it was she saw a small origami crane flying towards her, clearly enchanted.

The paper bird flew straight into her room and landed on her desk then unfolded its self into a letter. As she reached towards it she noticed how it was written in an elegant scrawl, the letters curling and looping like writing from the eighteen hundreds. It was definitely no one she was close with. She could spot Harry's neat printed writing and Ron's untidy scribble a mile of.

Dear Granger,
As I said earlier I think it is best that we meet in private so I will meet you tonight at nine thirty in the astronomy tower. Might I suggest using whatever it is that Potter uses to sneak around at night without getting caught.

Yours Miserably, D

As soon as she read it the letter burst into flames, the only remnants a pile of ash on her desk that was quickly blown away by a night breeze. She quickly looked at her watch and realised that it was nine o'clock.

There was no way she was going to be able to get past Ron and Harry with out one of them talking to her unless she was invisible. She left her room with the clue in her pocket and headed over to the boys dorm. Just as the door was in reach she pointed her wand at the door and whispered "Acio cloak." Whilst visualising the cloak clearly in her mind.

Then in no time the door creaked open and the cloak came flying straight into her hand. With in seconds she was invisible, walking through the crowds in the common room no out the door towards the astronomy tower.

When she got there it was so dark the her eyes had to adjust to the only light source being the moon, casting a cold glow over every surface. As she moved closer she noticed a figure stood looking over the balcony, silver hair almost ethereal in the moon light.

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