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"Harry what are you doing here?" It was Harry that had burst through the doors into the room of requirement. Suddenly she had realised that Malfoy had taken a step in front of her as if to shield her from what ever was to come through the doors, his hand was on her wrist again.

"I...hmm" he looked between them and then to Malfoy's hand on her wrist. He shook his head as if to clear an invasive thought and continued. "My scar just started to hurt again and I had a vision."

"Well spit it out Potter." Malfoy scoffed.

Harry scowled in response. "I saw the bowl with the snow in for the winter games. What does it mean Hermione?"

Just as she was about to answer Malfoy answered instead. "You know what Potter, I would have thought that by this point you would be able to work it out by your self."

"Why don't you shut up Malfoy." Harry responded with disgust lacing his every word.

Hermione was shocked, physically shocked at the way Harry spoke to Malfoy, it was as if he was talking to some horrible monster. Again just as she was about to interrupt their conversation Malfoy said something first. "You know Potter, it's funny, out of everyone in this school you could have gone to, teachers, the head mistress, Weasley, and you chose to go to her first."

"You know what Malfoy, why don't you crawl back to that dungeon you are so fond of, it's where you belong."

"You came to her fist because you know that she always puts you and Weasel before everyone, even herself. You are so selfish Potter."

Hermione finally had a chance to speak. "Will you two just shut up a minute, we may have a bigger problem here."

They both looked at her, Harry with utter shock on his face and Malfoy carrying a look that she had never see before.

"So Harry you had another vision and..."She looked over toward Malfoy where he very subtly shook his head. She was going to mention that the mark on his arm had also burned but maybe it would be best if she didn't. "You had a vision."

"Yes, that's what I just told you. Malfoy maybe you should leave."

"Maybe Potter, you are over tired from watching what Granger is doing every night."

"You told him, Hermione?"

"Well yeah, it's not like he is not going to find out anyway."

"Ugh, what do I do Hermione?"

"There is a chance that it's nothing so you should go and talk to Professor McGonagall."

"What's happened to you?"

"Something that you likely wouldn't understand Harry." She responded.

With that Harry turned and left.

"Is he like that all the time?"Malfoy ended the silence.

"I...No. I think he is just stressed because the last time his scar hurt, Voldemort was trying to get in his mind."

"I think you should go now, you need to talk to Potter and if you must you will have to tell him that we aren't meeting up anymore."

"Well how would we work out the clue then if we can't meet up?"

"I'll send you letters. Okay."

"Umm I guess that could work."

"It will." He said as he pulled her by the arm towards the door. She looked up at him and all she could see was that strange look in his eyes. "Oh come on Granger, you trust me don't you?"

"Umm not really."

He chuckled. "I'll send you a letter as soon as I have an idea about what to do."

"What about your dark mark."

"It's probably nothing." He stated, his eyebrows returning to their usual serious look.

Just as she reached out for the door handle she stopped herself. "Malfoy, if you don't mind me asking, why do you want to win the games anyway."

"It's complicated, my father...I...he, it doesn't matter."

With that he to left the room of requirement, both of them walking back to their common rooms. As Hermione she started to think about the clue to take her mind off things, something she did quite regularly now. As she wondered she couldn't help thinking about what Ginny had said a few days ago, about how the clue looked like the Hogwarts school motto.

What is it that could make the school motto look similar to the clue. Was it the font? The style of writing possibly. As she walked she pulled the pice of paper with the clue on from her pocket and stared down at the words. She had to admit they looked similar. Maybe it was the language? That was it!

"Latin!" She said to herself. It seemed so simple now. The school motto is in Latin. All spells are in Latin. She turned around and could still see Malfoy's figure walking away from her.

"Malfoy!" She called but he didn't hear her and carried on walking. She started to walk faster towards him. "Malfoy." He still couldn't hear her.

"Draco!" She yelled. With that his head shot up and he turned around.

"Granger?" He started walking towards her. "What is it?"

"The clue, I know what it is, well how to work it out at least."

"What is it then?"

"It's in Latin, I should have noticed it sooner, it wasn't a spell, it was in the language of spells."

"All spells are in Latin."


"This is...this is the best news I've heard all week." He smiled. "Oh and while we are at it, I've had an idea about where we can meet up now instead."

"And where might that be?"

"The slytherin common room." He smirked. She felt as though her mouth had physically dropped open.

"What? Are you serious?"

"Yes, of course I'm serious. Did my smirk make you think otherwise." He smirked again.

"I'll get killed if I go in the Slytherin common room."

"See that's the brilliance of my plan Granger. No one has to know you were ever there."

A/N: Hay. I'm going to write a bunch from Draco's perspective in the next chapter and hopefully things will get a bit more interesting. Thank you very much for reading, if you want please vote and comment as it helps a lot. BYEEE!

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