56- The Plan That Went Wrong

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Hermione stood in silence, by herself in one of the servant passage ways leading to the main entryway. Everyone was in their assigned positions waiting for what was to come next. People could die today, she could die, Draco could die. She was now waiting for Blaise to come back from telling the Dark Lord that they had found both a genie and Harry Potter.

He would then come to the manor they would get the diadem and destroy it with the sword of Gryffindor, then all they had to do was finish him off. She listened through the door for the familiar sound of apparition but when she heard three taps on the wood she almost jumped out of her skin. She opened the door to see Draco standing there, clothed in his black battle armour.

"What are you doing, you are supposed to be outside waiting for him to get here?"

"I know, I just had to see you. It might be my last."

"Don't say that Draco, I don't want to hear it." She brought her hand to his cheek. He leaned into her touch.

"If things go wrong I want you to get out, run away from here, and forget about me."

"No! No Draco I'm not doing that, I'm not leaving you, if one of us is going down then we both are, I'm not leaving you, and if anything goes wrong then we just leave together, we will apparate out of here and disappear to France or something, after this I will never leave you, you won't ever have to be alone again."

"I need to ask you something."

"Before, what you told me about your parents, you lied, why?"

She hesitated. "I didn't want to tell you that they had completely lost their memories of me because I didn't want you to feel sorry for me."

"I tried to find them for you, when you were in the coma, I thought that if they were by your side that you might wake up."

"I'm sorry I lied, i just didn't want to deal with that then."

"When this is all over we will go and find them and we will get their memories back."

"We can't I've tried."

"We have those banned books now, there must be a spell in there somewhere."

She smiled up at him sadly. "I can't believe you, here we are about to sign your death sentences and all you can think about is making me happy after it's over."

"Its all I've ever wanted for you Hermione, I want you to be happy." He pressed the palm of her hand to his mouth and lightly brushed his lips against her skin, before letting her go and turning to leave. "I love you Hermione, you truly are the brightest witch of our age." Then he turned and left leaving her alone in the cupboard, thinking only of his touch.

It was only a few minutes later that she heard a loud crash as the two large Oak doors were swung open by the minister of magic, but inside his mind was Voldemort. She peaked through the small opening in the door. He looked even worse than the last time she had seen him, he had no hair now, and all his fingernails and several teeth were missing.

"Where is the genie?" He drawled, slurring slightly from the decaying of his mouth.

She watched as Draco stepped forward holding a small glass bottle.

"Good and where is Mr Potter?"

"We have called for him to be brought from the dungeon, he will be here in a moment."

Behind him came a man with being controlled by the diadem, a Haines over his eyes. He was carrying a wooden box, which he opened and presented too Voldemort. He lifted it out fo the box and placed it in his head. "Lets begin then."

Suddenly there was a loud crash from up stairs. That should not have happened. She turned her head upwards to look at the balcony and watched as four men wearing plain white masks with two small round holes for eyes, flew through the window on brooms. This wasn't right she thought, this wasn't part of the plan. Who knew what would happen, they had to get out.

"Rebels!"Voldemort shouted. She saw as everyone pulled out their wands, and so did she in unison. Voldemort's cursed soldiers came pouring in through the doors to surround him. She opened the door further and immediately made eye contact with Draco across the room. Spells started flying every where. Her heart was in her mouth.

She just had to get to Draco and they would be out of there, never seen by anyone again. She burst through the door and started to run, hardly breathing the whole time. She griped her wand and shot spell after spell at the anyone trying to shoot at her.

Draco couldn't breath, everything was going wrong. How this had happened he didn't know, someone must have known about it and told the resistance. He began running in Hermione's direction, dodging spells as he went. Suddenly multiple of the people in white masks started to surround her but she continued to fire spells at them, knocking some out blowing some away with fire. It seemed that she had finally reached the point that she didn't care who was who now.

Someone shot at her then and he felt sick as she narrowly dodged it leaving blood on her arm, and then shot a shard of ice at the person that had done it, piercing them in their chest. "Draco!"She shouted and barged past man after man.

She was only five metres away now.

Draco watched as someone in the mask heard her shout.

Four metres away.

The man turned his head, red hair glinting in the light.

Three metres away.

The man moved towards her.

Two metres away.

"Hermione!" he yelled with all his breath.

One metre away.

They both reached out their hands, hers inches from his. But the man got there first.

The last thing he saw was the shocked expression in Hermione's hazel eyes before she vanished, leaving Draco alone in a room full of people once again.

A/N: Hay, wow it's been a while since I did an author note, thank you so much for all of the votes and reads, and I am so thankful you a few of you that have commented through out reading this, the comments really make my day when I see them. I'm so happy all of you are enjoying reading this. I'll let you get back to reading whatever other fanfics you are reading now so I'll see you in the next chapter, BYEEE!!

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