23-Dancing Shoes

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Draco thought he was going to burst out laughing just from the look on Hermione's face. Her eyebrows were bunched together and her mouth slightly open, her eyes roving over the small pice of paper wedged between her delicate fingers. He knew that she was reading that one word over and over again.

Suddenly she looked up. "You are just loving this aren't you." She stated. "I can't believe this. The tango. It wants me to dance the tango."

"I think it is definitely on about the masquerade ball because there is a snowflake imprint on the other side which I think is related to the fact that the ball is on Christmas Eve."

"Still, this is so stupid, why couldn't it be another riddle or something."

"You did say at the start of all this Granger that it requires more than just intelligence."

She stared him down, her eyes fixed angrily on his. "This is all good for you isn't it, you probably already know how to dance the tango."

"Of course I know how to dance the tango Granger and that's exactly why I'm going to teach you."

She squeezed the bridge of her nose between two of her fingers and closed her eyes. "Maybe we can avoid it, maybe Pansy and you can dance, she is still technically in our team that way I don't have to go and we can still do the next part." Her eyes shot open and she seemed pleased with herself, as if she had found the solution to some complex maths equation.

"I don't think we can risk it."

"What do you mean?" She asked as the frown reappeared on her features.

"Well it might be that everyone in the team needs to dance it to get to the next part."

"Yes but I can't dance Malfoy, I have two left feet, it was even a struggle just dancing the waltz at the tri-wizard ball, let alone having to dance the tango."

"Hermione, you need to relax, I will teach you, you will be fine and besides it will be a masquerade ball so if you mess up it won't matter, no one will see."

"I...It's been a long day, and I still want to try and work out why that Ravenclaw boy would rip out a page on how to create a Basilisk."

"If course that's what your mind is fixated on." He smiled to himself. He had to admit that her being curious and wanting to know the ins and outs of everything was kinda cute. What! What was he thinking. He banished the thought from his brain quickly and continued. "I'll tell you what, if you meet up with me every night in the room of requirement to learn to dance I will help you figure out what that Ravenclaw boy is doing ripping up books, okay."

"Hmm, fine."

"Anyway, I shouldn't worry if I were you, it's going to be harder to teach Blaise to dance, he has the worst pair of left feet I have ever seen."

A smile spread across her lips warming her expression. Finally he had made her smile.

He eyes quickly darted to her watch. "Merlin, it's really late, I've got to go now. I have work due in first thing tomorrow and I haven't finished it yet."

"This isn't like you Granger, if I didn't know better id say you were slacking a bit."

"Ugh, shut up Malfoy." She smirked as she swung her bag around to her other shoulder and headed to the door. "I'll see you tomorrow Draco."

With that she closed the door behind her leaving Draco alone in darkness of the astronomy tower.

Hermione couldn't believe how quickly the next day went by, one second she was drinking her morning coffee in the hustle and bustle of the common room, chatting with Ginny and Harry, next thing she knew it was eight o'clock and she was stood outside of the room of requirement, Draco's most recent letter to her clutched in her hand. As she opened the door she noticed that the room was drastically different. The floor was now a tiled black and white checker board pattern, the room itself was significantly bigger and in the far corner was a table and chairs, on which sat a pair of dancing shoes that she assumed were her exact size.

"Well Granger, are you ready to learn to dance." Draco said as he stepped out from one of the darker corners of the room.

"You know it's really ominous when you do that and if you are trying to look all mysterious it's not working."

"Why have you got to ruin everything Granger, I thought stepping out from the shadows was a Great entrance." He smirked.

"Can we please get this over with." She rolled her eyes as she headed over to the table and put on her shoes, she also took of her school robes as they would probably get in the way and that's what Draco had done.

"Come here then." He said as he rolled up his shirt sleeves and pulled from hit pocket a tiny red cube and placed it on the floor. With a flick of his wand at the box music started to play.

She stepped right up to him and put her hands on her hips.

"So first of all, put your left hand on my shoulder and put your right hand in my hand."

"Okay I guess." So that's what she did.

"Now I'm going to put my hand on your waist." Suddenly she felt his hand on the small of her back, warmth seeping through her shirt. She looked up at him, and saw him smirking down at her. "You know, you can stand closer than that." Then with his hand he tugged her closer so that they were almost pressed together.

Again she realised how tall he was. As she felt his arm around her she couldn't help thinking that she had always thought he would be cold to the touch, not that she thought of touching him often but he seemed like a very cold person. This was different, he was warm. As she looked up at him she could smell what ever cologne he was wearing, it smelt almost like cut grass and pine forests, as she breathed it in, it almost made her feel lightheaded.

"Granger there is a lot of stamping in this dance so try not to stamp to hard, I don't want to lose any toes." He smirked down at her.

"Oh get over yourself Malfoy." She joked.

"Just copy what I do but the opposite, okay."

She nodded in response.

Then they started to dance.

A/N: Sorry if this was a bit cringy but I just couldn't resist. Please comment what you think might happen next, I love to see what you think. 
Thank you for reading. BYEEE!

Coffee and Spearmint Toothpaste - DramioneWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt