80. Don't Make Me The Bad Guy

Beginne am Anfang

''Well, you'll have a new opponent then, My Lord of the Straw." Criston agreed. 

"Me. I can take him! I got a real sword!" Clayton declared. Five years old to  Aegons 13 years and Clayton was fearless. 

"No." Aislynn corrected immediately. 

"But mama?" Clayton whined. 

"No." Aislynn repeated in a voice that left no room for negotiations. Clayton grumbled. "You and Jaeton, how about that?" 

"Dont go easy on me." Clayton declared confidently. Jaeton gave his mother a pointed look. 

"Prince Aegon.. Let's see if you can touch me. You and your brother.'' Criston offered and Aegon and Aemond stepped forward, sparring swords at the ready and Aislynn practically purred with delight. She loved watching Criston train, that was the reason she was in this awful heat. She wanted to watch him, and a cocky winning criston was perfection. 

Aegon and Aemond lunged at criston but he was skilled warrior. The princes were yelling and grunting as they lunged and failed to knock criston down. 

''You're gonna have to do better than that.'' Criston said smugly his gaze shifted to Aislynn as she beamed back at him. 

"Kick his ass!" Clayton agreed. "Again, mama-" Clayton looked to Aislynn. "Uncle-"

"Tom teaches you all the bad words. I know." Aislynn agreed. 

''Ah. Weapons up, boys.'' Harwin remarked coming up to Jace and Clayton. ''Give your enemies no quarter.'' Harwin glanced over at Criston and Aegon and Aemond, his own boys Jaeton and Clayton, Rhaenyra's children seemed left out of the training most days. Criston didnt see the fire in them, didnt see the passion, he wasnt going to train boys that didnt want to learn. Clayton was ready to learn. Harwin didnt see it that way, he saw it as a jab. It was also a jab but cristons official statement was ambition that Rhaenyras children didnt have. 

''It seems the younger boys could do better with a bit of your attention... Ser Criston.'' Harwin remarked and Criston turned to him stiffly.

"Rhaenyra could do with less of everyones attention." Aislynn murmured. 

''You question my method of instruction, ser?'' Criston asked calmly. Oh, Aislynn loved a confident and calm, sexy I'm in charge here Criston. 

''Oh, I merely suggest that method be applied to all your pupils'' Harwin suggested nodding to Jace and Luke.

''Very well. Jacaerys... come here.'' Criston agreed ''You spar with Aegon.'' Aegon chuckled seeing his younger nephew step forward nervously. ''Eldest son against eldest son.''

''It's hardly a fair match.'' Harwin remarked.

''I know you've never seen true battle, ser, but when steel is drawn, a fair match isn't something anyone should expect.'' Criston remarked smugly he saw Aislynn biting at her lip as she watched him from the corner of his eye.

"Harwin isnt used to a real fight." Aislynn agreed. "Just scoundrels and whores." His gaze turned sharply to her. "Am I wrong? Criston fought in the dornish marches or did you forget, your head in lower places perhaps?" 


 ''Blades up. Engage.'' Criston corrected loudly and Aislynn smirked leaning back up against the wall. Jaeton watched how Aegon moved, mentally logging his moves.  The boys attacked, Aegon being elder and larger got Jace down easily but Jace had fire and he jumped back up. Running back Aegon knocked the straw dummy over onto Jace.

''Foul play.'' Harwin remarked.

"Bish foul play on you." Aislynn murmured. "RIght baby boy?" She coed down to Emmett. 

''I'll deal with him.'' Criston moved to Aegon as Harwin moved to Jace.

"Look at him running to his bastard." Aislynn murmured. Aemond stared back up at her. "Hi honey, you did great. Be careful Clayton is itching to try out his new blade." Aemond nodded as Clayton fumbled around with his dulled blade. 

 ''Plant your feet. You have a height advantage. Use it.'' Criston whispered. ''Advance on him...'' Aegon nodded and continued forward quietly before shouting

''You!'' Aegon shouted lunging down on Jace.

''Close with him. Press him backward!'' Criston encouraged as Jace tried to get up, tried to scurry away. ''Close with him! Stay on the attack! Use your feet!'' Criston went on, Harwin glanced back at him nervously. Aegon grunted out as he kept swinging and it was awful that Aislynn was loving this because it was not Jace and Lukes fault but seeing that pissed off look on Harwin's face made his fear worth it. 

 ''Don't let him get up.'' Criston shouted ''Stay on the attack!''

Aislynn never claimed to be a good person. She was a mother, she was protective and she had enough of Rhaenyra and Harwin's false declarations. 

''Enough!'' Harwin shouted pulling Aegon back from Jace.

''You dare put hands on me?'' Aegon shouted in outrage.

"Come here." Aislynn demanded reaching out for Jaeton and Clayton. 

''Aegon!'' Viserys called down, that was not very prince like behavior, his outburst.

''You forget yourself, Strong.'' Criston said calmly. ''That is the Prince.'' Clayton dragged his sword behind him as he moved to Aislynn. 

''This is what you teach, Cole?'' Harwin countered ''Cruelty... to the weaker opponent?'' Harwin got down picking up the sparing swords.

"Fucking nerve of this man, he wrote the book on cruelty." Aislynn hissed. 

''Your interest in the princeling's training is quite unusual, Commander. Most men would only have that kind of devotion toward a cousin... or a brother... or a son.'' Criston declared and Aislynns lips twitched about to kiss him for finally setting him in his place, out here in the open for all to hear but Harwin charged at him.

''Get back!'' the kingsguard yelled pulling the princes away as the men dueled. Aislynn pulled Clayton behind her even though he rose his blade wanting to help.  Aislynn handed Emmett off to Aemond as she marched forward. 

'' Say it again! Say it again!'' Harwin demanded as he was pulled back, Criston lay bloody on the ground but a smirk on his face.

''Thought as much.'' Criston muttered from the ground.

"What the hell are you doing!" Aislynn shouted shoving Harwin back. "Whats the matter with you!" Harwins jaw was tense as he glared from criston bleeding on the ground to Aislynn enraged before him. He stomped off wordlessly and Aislynn turned to criston dropping down beside him. "Are you alright?" Criston grabbed her hand and offered her a small pitiful smile. "what was that?" Criston sighed as he sat up. "don't move. i will get the maester." Aislynn assured.

"I will be okay Aislynn." Criston whispered leaning into her. 

"Brave idiot, Clayton gets that from you." Aislynn whispered. 

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