"I don't know hyung, maybe it is better that he leaves. It is not like he is showing any effort at all." It was the voice of Taehyung, he could help but over hear the conversation and it would be a lie to tell himself that it was not about him.

They were done with him too, ARMY is done with him, nobody wants him anymore... Words has kept him up all night as he slowly fell asleep but nightmares of him leaving his brothers kept him away. Even though they wanted him gone he can not live without them.

It doesn't even feel like the 2 hours have passed at the alarm clock rings and sounds of people waking up are filling their home.

Jimin gets himself ready just like the others, they are sitting together at the dining table eating their breakfast as they are talking about todays schedule.

"I can't believe we are finally doing something together again, I can't even remember when we did that." Jungkook says happy and looking at his older brothers.
"Yeah feels like years ago." Jin says.
"Personally I feel like I never have a moment alone without you.." Yoongi says with a little smile, as everyone knows he is joking but for Jimin it felt real... He was alone, all the time.

"Is everyone ready? We need to go?" Namjoon asks looking at his phone, that just pinged because of a messages that came in. The boys hurry outside into the car.

"All of you ready to go?" the driver asks looking at the boys in the back. They look short at each other before Namjoon answers.
"We are complete and ready to go!" Namjoon says happily as the car starts driving. The members keep talking in the car, as they only had notices that something was missing. No not something.

Someone, Jimin forgot something the last moment, he had said to Jin that he would run fast to his room to get something warm as Jin simply nodded. But as Jimin got out the door ready to get in the car it was gone, with all the other members. Leaving him alone standing in front of his own home.

"They will turn around. They will notices.." Jimin says soft as he sits down and waits for the others to turn around to pick him up.


"Ok, I am happy that you are finally here. So lets get started, in the first hour there are going to be VIP fans, they get a little more time with you guys, to talk connect everything you guys normally do. After that you will have a 15 minutes break before another three hours will follow with other fans that also like to meet you." The manager says looking at the boys noticing that they are with six and not seven.
"Where is Jiminsie?" He asks looking at the boys, that look back confused.
"Maybe he went to the toilet." Yoongi says, the boys let it be by that as they continue with the make-up.


Jimin is still sitting in front of his home, it has been 2 hours.

"They are not coming back... They are not even missing me." Jimin says as he stands up and walks inside. He is totally cold by now, his pale faces and his cold skin feel the warmth as he walks back inside. Nobody had even called him.

He was now looking at the mirror as he seems someone he never wanted to be, he can feel how much he hates himself, he knows how much the members hate him other wise they would have included him, he knows ARMY is ready for him to leave, so why bother staying?

Depressing is taking over, the pain he felt is slowly going numb, feelings seem to be to disappear and he can't even remember the last time he had smiles. He didn't even cry anymore, he couldn't. it felt like all the water just left his body after crying for weeks now.

Why was live so unfair. Voices in his mind were screaming, it felt like someone was constantly pushing the air out of his lungs that it even hurts to breath, getting out of bed in the morning was getting worse and worse. His body was becoming more heavy with ever second that he lived and it felt like the whole world was crushing down on him.

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