The last time he felt such amounts of sympathy for somebody else was for his brother after he had taken a beating from their father.

"If you want, I can arrange something for your mother and sister. We don't swim in money at the moment, but I know I can use some budgets to get your family somewhere safely...They are my family too, but I hope you don't mind if I don't include your father."

"Of course... although this kinda sounds like we are married and we aren't," Niel slowly dragged out. Afraid of what Atlas would say in response. Hoping the Alpha wouldn't spring a sudden wedding on him.

"Huh? Married? Oh, yeah, uhm. We don't have anything like marriage in the pack life, but we do have a ritual that can be considered as a wedding. But it doesn't matter how you look at it, we will be together until death, so technically you could call us married," Atlas mused.

"Never thought about that."

The rest of the drive it was silent in the car. Atlas' thoughts were occupied with worries about the pack and Niel's thoughts were filled by the fact he would be together with Atlas until death. The teenager didn't know how to feel about it, happy, sad, angry. This whole mate-fate-destiny thing was sprung onto him and while he had processed most of it, there were still times when he had his doubts.

He was brought back to reality by the arrival at the pack. He noticed something was up. There were more warriors at the border and again more at the packhouse. When the jeep stopped Maddoxe and Katherine made a b-line to their son. As the door opened Niel heard, "We have to talk to you immediately." Atlas wasn't even fully out of the car. He held up his hand. "Just a sec."

"But it's important son."

"Yes, I gather. I just need a second." The Alpha felt bad that everything was about him again. And yes, it was hard to avoid that when you had to lead a pack. Literally, everything was your responsibility. And yes, Atlas would love to know how to balance his private life and his work life better, but he didn't so Niel had to wait for him... After Atlas knew he was fine to be left alone again.

He walked around the car and opened Niel's door who was still struggling with the seatbelt. The passenger's side seatbelt was broken and got stuck when you wanted to unbuckle it. Levi had sat here a couple of days ago and apparently when he saw a food truck selling churros. He didn't think for a second a rushed out of the car while he was still buckled.

"Here, let me." Atlas bend over Niel and gave it a good pull. "I should get that fixed," Atlas mused to himself.

Niel got out of the car and stood next to Atlas, noticing the former Alpha's waiting impatiently. "What's going on?"

"I don't know for sure, yet... Are you okay being on your own for a while?"

The teenager was confused. He was often left to his own devices since he got here. "Yeah, of course."

"You just saw your mother laying in the hospital, and to top it off your family is going to move away from you. Are you absolutely sure?" Atlas quirked up a brow.

Niel had forgotten about it while he was fuming in the car. His shoulder shagged when he was reminded. "I can stay with you if you want, taking a walk or we can watch a movie." The Alpha suggested.

Katherine made a disapproving grunt to let her son know they needed his attention now and not in a few hours. Atlas' only response was a pointed look.

Niel shifted his eyes from Atlas to Maddoxe and Katherine and back to Atlas again. "I am fine, I will go look for Rain. You should go."

Atlas planted a kiss on Niel's forehead in gratitude. "If you need me, I am in my office."

When the Alpha was out of sight, followed by his parents into the pack house, Niel decided not to look for Rain. Honestly, the teenager didn't want to run into Tyra. He chose to work out to empty his head. After everything that happened today, it would be nice to replace his worries with sweat and exhaustion.

He quickly changed into different clothes and started his workout. He would remain in the gym until late that night when Atlas came looking for him.

The Alpha had other matters at hand. "It's even worse than what we expected," Atlas sighed as he glanced at the map in front of him once again.

"Rumour is that Eli is being sent here in a couple of weeks," Katherine said quietly. Almost as if she was afraid.

"What?!" Atlas yelled. He grabbed his hair in frustration while muttering curse words under his breath.

Eli was infamous for his position as an inspector for the King. He was a vampire, part of the royal court. His nickname was the Grim Reaper, not because he killed people. Eli would inspect packs, houses, and covens after severe attacks. He would do an intake of the damage being done, more specifically how many people died. Eli would let the king know they were no longer their concern if the said pack, house, or coven was completely wiped or almost gone. But when help could repair the damage he would send a message to the king for recourses.

Only this was a lie.

Eli only went to those who had a questionable relationship with the crown and he would only check if everybody was dead, or enough. When this wouldn't be the case he would make sure of it, so the king would no longer be responsible for that area.

"So it's inevitable then," Atlas slapped his hands on his desk. "It all makes sense now. You spotting all those rogues nearby, Eli possibly arriving in a couple of weeks, this all leads to an attack." A humorless laugh escaped from his mouth. "Now I know why no pack wants to help us. They are all in the complot. But why?!" Anxiety crept into the Alpha.

Maddoxe and Katherine both looked with worry in their eyes to their son. They didn't know what to do either. Katherine walked around the desk and put her hand on her son's shoulder. "We have been protecting the border of the kingdom for centuries. If the rogues are planning on attacking us we will protect the border once again. Like we have always done."

A silence fell.

Maddoxe sat down, his leg irritating him. They were all pondering about what to do next, what their next move would be.

"You know it would help if you and that boy are officially bonded." Katherine mused.

"Mother not now... And what would it help anyway?"

"It saddens me that your knowledge about our culture lacks. I thought I raised you differently." Atlas felt stabbed in the heart. He, like Niel, tried to impress and prove to his parents, especially his mother, that he could be a good and righteous Alpha.

"It is said that mates when fully bonded can give each other strength. This is mostly seen in the higher ranks. So when you are fully bonded with that boy and he is officially part of the pack as the new Luna, it could give you extra strength and the pack as well... Eli will be here in a couple of weeks, meaning the attack will not be right away, so there is time." Katherine reassured.

"I-I will think about it." Atlas was finally happy where he and Niel were in their relationship, he didn't want to put too much pressure on it. "First I have to let the others know about this attack so we can prepare." Maddoxe nodded his head in agreement.

It was almost midnight when the former Alphas, the Beta and Delta, and all the elders and advisors were leaving the meeting room.

When it was just Atlas he let out a deep sigh. All he knew at the moment was he needed his mate. So when he got up he mused to himself, "Just when my life is complete, I am about to lose everything." 

As His World Changed (MxM)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin