Chapter 9

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When Niel made his way down the stairs to the heart of the house, the main foyer, Atlas was waiting for his arrival, doing so while pacing like a madman. Dare he say the big bad werewolf looked anxious?

The moment Atlas noticed him, his eyes widened, and hurried his way to the bottom of the stairs. Niel had a hard time understanding the anxious character that didn't fit with his mate. He tilted his head in confusion, hoping Atlas might give him an explanation of any sort.

"I like to apologize, again, Niel."

"For what?" Niel could name numerous things Atlas could apologize for, he just wanted to know for which one he was apologizing now. Unfortunately the answer the big guy would give him would not satisfy the teenager.

Atlas tried to take Niel's hand in his, Niel didn't appreciate the sweet gesture and waited impatiently for an answer. "My parents got word of me finding my mate and when they also heard you were a human, well... they wanted to meet you right away."

Truth be told, Niel was not, absolutely not, in the mood to meet someone's parents. He had enough parental troubles of his own. He couldn't possibly add more to the mix by meeting Atlas' parents.

"Can't you just ask them to meet me later?"

Atlas scratched his neck. "I am afraid that's not possible-"

"Why not?" Niel quirked up a brow.

Atlas remained silent, not knowing how to explain to his mate why you couldn't say no to alphas, even if they weren't in charge anymore. He wished they could have the day together as there finally wasn't a barrier between them that kept them apart.

But as the son of Maddoxe and Katherine Adkins, Atlas knew his parents wouldn't take rejection very well. He also knew it would be a difficult first meeting. His parents weren't big fans of humankind. The Black Lake Pack had a history with humans. For many generations, they had quite a neutral relationship. Humans helped hunt down the rogues, the werewolves made sure they would keep out of sight and keep the rogues as well at bay so no one who was involved in the world wouldn't get hurt. They helped each other with the same problem because rogues could be cruel and would like a human for a meal if they were hungry enough.

Nevertheless, their neutral relationship changed after a tragic event that would go down as the black days in the history of the supernaturals.

On an ordinary day, a huge amount of human hunters attacked every werewolf on the North American continent they could find, men, women, and even children. No one was safe from their wrath. It was a merciless bloodbath, something no one wanted to be reminded of as some of the traces were still seen and felt within the werewolf community. Therefore an unwritten rule was set, everybody hated humans and the supernaturals would hide themselves deeper into the shadows of the earth.

Of course this was unbeknownst to Niel and he had no idea what was coming to him.

Niel sighed. "Fine, I guess nothing can become even more worse..." Atlas disagreed, but kept it to himself.

Both of them walked into the library to the far end so they were hidden in a corner surrounded by bookcases. Niel was blown away by the fact this mansion had a full on library. But then again, it was a mansion, Niel thought. Hundreds of books surrounded Niel and Atlas, every single one different. Most of them contained the history of werewolves, information about werewolves and also some books about other supernaturals beings and their history. Niel wasn't much of a reader. He never liked books, as a kid and as a teenager. The teenage boy found more joy with being active rather than hiding in a corner lounging in a big armchair and escaping in the fantasy worlds the books described where hero's would win and villains would lose.

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