Chapter 14

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Niel never thought he would think he was actually grateful for Atlas for once. Without him, he wouldn't have visited his older brother's grave for quite some time. Afraid he would get lectured, or worse, beaten by his father again.

"All right, what's next?" Atlas asked. The werewolf didn't like they were away from their pack and wanted to go back as soon as possible. On the other hand, Atlas wanted to give Niel this last opportunity to visit his hometown and family again as he wasn't planning on letting Niel go back, ever.

The itch, no, the urge to have Niel by his side all the time grew with each day. The need to mark his mate was incredibly hard to fight with every minute that passed. Atlas wasn't the most patient man and he had put every ounce of patience into this relationship with Niel, but it was running low.

"I want to see if my mother is home," Niel said carefully, noticing a slight change in Atlas' behavior.

The Alpha gave a curt nod and escorted Niel to the car. The warrior was constantly on the lookout. At one moment, when they just had left the cemetery the warrior kept on looking at one point, at someone. When Atlas noticed and looked in the same direction, Niel followed suit soon as well and his eyes widened.

"Do you know them?" Atlas silently asked.

The teenager nodded. How could he forget? The cemetery was on the same route to Mills.

"Who are they?"

Niel cleared his throat. "Uhm, one of them is part of Jasper's clique, I-I don't know her name. The other is... a junior, Daisy." Atlas recognized her. He saw her that Friday night, at the game, when Atlas had just noticed Niel earlier that week, paying close attention to his mate. The wolf became extremely territorial right there, right then. But what happened next was something that eased him, just enough to not rip out that girl's throat out.

Some boys followed the girls and when Niel laid his eyes upon them he hid behind Atlas, seeking protection. Pride swelled in the Alpha's chest.

Luckily for Niel, his classmates hadn't noticed him and the three of them could travel to Niel's family home without any problems.

When they arrived at the home, Niel grew nervous. He fumbled with the hem of his shirt and glanced at the house from time to time. Atlas brought his large hand over Niel's. "What's happening?"

Niel sighed. "I... I-I just hopes she still... loves me."

"Of course, that is where mothers are for... Let's go." Atlas intended to walk along with his mate. "Please, can I go alone? I don't want to scare her."

The Alpha and warrior shared a look and a nod. "Fine, but if something happens I will come."

The teenager left the car and hesitantly walked up the driveway of what was once his home. He rang the bell once, then twice. And then, finally, the door was opened, Camilla standing in the hallway.

"Othniel? Othniel! Thank God you are still alive!" The mother rushed toward her son and embraced him tightly. "I missed you so much." She whispered in his ear.

When they had let go of each other, Niel asked, "How come you are home, I thought you had to help the church?"

"Oh, yeah, multiple people had other engagements or were sick, so another day." Niel noticed how he wasn't invited inside and Camilla had closed the door until it stood ajar.

"How-how are you doing, sweetheart? Where are you staying?" She asked worriedly.

Her son had no idea how to explain his situation to his own mother. "Uhm, well-" Just as he was about to make some sad excuse the door was swung open by Peter.

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