Chapter 20

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"So you are telling me there is a kingdom within my country?" Niel asked in disbelief, his hands in his dark brown hair. What he was learning now about the werewolves, vampires and warlocks and witches was beyond him. He just couldn't believe it.

"As you can see on the map the outlines of our kingdom and its parted into different packs, covens, and houses." Charlotte continued Niel's lesson. It was his second one, and this one was even more overwhelming than the last one.

"What are covens and houses?"

"They are synonyms to our term of the pack. Warlocks and witches have covens, vampires have houses... Our kingdom is currently run by a werewolf family as it has done for the last two hundred years. We are a border pack, it's our responsibility to guard that border as best as possible against hunters and rogues, and other enemies."

Another sigh left from Niel and another frown settled on Charlotte's face. She was hired for the job because Charlotte was an intelligent shewolf, one of the few who went to a prestigious college to study politics and history. It was also because of her stay at a prestigious college she had been around humans. Only that was before the attack and she, like the rest of the pack, hated humans. It was their pack that had one of the hardest hits.

The other thing she hated the most was repeating herself. Charlotte wasn't the most patient woman and Niel asked for all of her patience.

It was silent in the small conference room. Niel's leg bounced up and down nervously as he started at the big map of his own country with lines, borders, and names he didn't recognize. He was told he had to learn them in two days. The teenage boy didn't understand why so quickly. His academics weren't great, he wasn't bright or smart. His grades were average and even below average during his senior year. Niel even doubted he could graduate this year.


That must be soon, he thought.

"Okay, let's move on. There is something else we have to discuss too. Although I don't think you can keep up." Charlotte muttered. She moved to the pile of books and papers she had brought with her. The elderly lady took one book in particular and threw it in front of the boy.

A large thud echoed through the room, making Niel jump.

"Open it."

Slowly Niel turned the cover and saw names and faces. "Go to the section that says North America and then search the Kingdom of Koda."

"Kingdom of Koda?"

Charlotte threw the papers she had in her hand on the table. "Yes, the Kingdom of Koda! Haven't you been listing to me?! That's the kingdom we are living in, the very same kingdom I have been talking about for the last two hours! Are you dumb?!"

A painful silence fell. Niel felt paralyzed, for a short moment he felt eleven years old again being screamed at by his father as he lost another soccer game.

"I am sorry," He whispered and turned to the right page.

Charlotte sighed. She was done with this. "You will see all the important families of this kingdom in that chapter, remember the faces and names of its leaders before Friday." And with that she left.

Niel did nothing more than study that day. He felt tired, and exhausted, and was ready to quit but he also had a great feeling of having to prove himself and therefore he kept seated in that small conference room studying faces and names. Until he heard a knock. Carefully he turned around and saw Rain entering.

"Hey fresh meat, I was looking for you. What are you doing here, being cooped up?"

"Studying," Niel lowly answered.

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