Chapter 33

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Show a side of you that Atlas has never seen before. Niel pondered over it so many times and still he had nothing. He was snapped out of his thoughts when a ball hit his head. It was one of the games the pups were playing. The day of the festival had arrived and Niel was to watch over de buffet that was served on a big table outside on the terrace of the packhouse.

It was a beautiful day, the sun shining bright, no clouds to be seen in the sky.

"Sorry Luna," A young girl hesitantly took the ball from Niel and ran away. He smiled. The young girl reminded him of his sister. They had spoken the evening before today. Niel was happy to hear they had settled nicely in an apartment, in a city nearby. Bella had spoken fondly about the city life, how every dinner and shop stayed open all evening and sometimes even nights. Camilla was fine as well. Niel could hear her voice's hesitance and fear, but she was fine and happy to be with Bella alone.

"How are things going here?" Rain arrived with another big plate filled with food.

Niel cleared his throat. "Fine, they are going fine."

"You sure? No side eyes? Or insults?"

Niel chuckled and shook his head. "No, actually most of them are quite nice to me. Some give me a second look but I think they like it that I serve them and not the other way around."

"Well, that's good!" Rain cheered. "We are making progress, before you know it you are being adored by everyone and you wish they would hate you because they keep following you around." They both laughed.

Close to dinner time Niel was whisked away from the buffet and had to help in the kitchen with making dinner. He was content cutting the vegetables and meat, he had learned how to do it and how to do it efficiently. He didn't need to work for long as Atlas came to get him.

"Hello, love," Atlas kissed Niel on the crown of his head. Spreading tingles throughout his mate's body. "Why don't you come sit with us?"

"They asked me to help," Niel answered.

"I think they can manage without you just fine."

"But Atlas-"

The Alpha took Niel's hands in his own. "You have been working all day, I have barely seen you. Come join us outside with the others, you have shown your worth to the others. Not that you needed to, but I have many asking for you."

Niel was surprised. He didn't think he made that good of an impression on the pack, but apparently, he had. He left his workstation and grabbed Atlas' hand, guiding Niel to the big terrace where once the buffet was, was now an even longer table with warriors, pack members, Levi, and Ezra sitting. The food had been replaced by a set up of plates, glasses, and cutlery. The surroundings had been decorated as well with hundreds of fairy lights and lanterns on the table and in the trees. On the grass field next to the terrace other tables had been placed as well with even more pack members and fairy lights.

It was a beautiful sight. It was then Niel understood the beauty of the pack life.

Niel joined the table, next to Atlas who was sitting at the head as usual. Soon the first round of food arrived and everybody joined in. Niel enjoyed himself, talking to Levi, Atlas, Rain, and others. He made a good impression apparently with the warriors, they had seen him playing football and heard good stories from their warriors in training.

"Now Luna Niel," Arthur, a seasoned warrior, spoke up, "We have heard great things, but it's barely anything about you and who you are. Tell us something about yourself." Others around Arthur nodded their heads. The werewolf-ale was set on the table a while ago and the teenager noticed them loosening up.

"W-What do you want to know?" He asked a bit uncomfortable he was now the centre of attention at his side of the table.

Multiple questions were shouted his way until one yelled above the others. "Oh! How about two truths and one lie?" Everybody cheered.

"Alright," Niel agreed. "Let me think." Another round of cheers went around. It took a couple of seconds before Niel had two perfect truths and a perfect lie.

"Okay, one, I haven't seen even one episode of Game of Thrones. Two, technically I don't have my driver's license. I learned how to drive from my parents but never passed any exam as the town started to assume I already had my license so nobody ever asked. Three, I once let my hair grow out until my shoulders and put on some clothes from the seventies to look like Freddie Mercury so that I could look like him while playing the song Bohemian Rhapsody on the piano."

Just as Niel said the last sentence many started to shout the number they believed was the lie. Three was the favorite and was being shouted the most. Niel let them guess for a while until Levi stood up and raised his glass. "My friends! I will ask you kindly to shut up!" Laughter went around the table. "Niel, please, help us out of our misery!" Another round of laughter.

The teenager chuckled. "Before I say it, let's ask Atlas."

"Yeah, Alpha, what do you think?" A random warrior asked and many followed as well.

Atlas laughed and took a sip of his drink. He looked Niel over and then the others, faking a very thoughtful look. "I think number three is the lie as well."

"Well, Niel? Which one is it?" Levi asked again.

"I think most of you will be disappointed, but the lie is number two." Voices and outbursts of surprise went around.

"No way!"


"I am glad I didn't bet on this," A warrior close by Niel muttered.

"But wait does this mean you can play the piano, fresh meat?" Rain asked surprised. The teenager nodded his head.

"Well let's hear it!" Levi shouted. "Let's get a piano out here! Alpha give the order!"

Atlas laughed, stood up, raised his glass, and shouted. "Let's get a piano!" He winked at Niel who had turned red now he was expected to play. It wasn't his intention to want to play for others, he barely did that at home.

Within thirty minutes a piano was set outside on the terrace. Atlas went up to Niel and placed his arm around his mate's shoulders. "Sorry, Niel. I got a bit carried away. If you don't want to play that's fine, I will tell them to not bother you and I am sure someone else will play. Most of us are a bit tipsy so they won't notice that you haven't played in the end... It would be the best birthday gift I would have gotten though," Atlas said more to himself.

Show a side of you that Atlas has never seen before. This, this is what Rain meant, Niel thought to himself. He pushed away his nerves and walked over to the piano.

The pack members and warriors cheered again and then all went silent when Niel heard the first keys and started to sing when the song progressed. Everybody stood around him, around the new Luna, celebrating the Alpha's birthday in the most festive way possible.

No one could imagine the danger that was lurking between the trees, watching them like prey.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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