Chapter 31

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"So how are the preparations going for Saturday?" Rain asked Atlas. Niel whipped his head to the shewolf. "What's happening Saturday?" He interjected.

The Alpha sighed and put the hot sauce down. He leaned back in his chair as he said, "I am sorry, Niel. I meant to tell you but with everything going on I guess it slipped my mind." Atlas explained to Niel the dangers that were heading to them two nights ago and that it was of utmost importance the teenager would stay within the borders and even if he would be alone outside he would be accompanied.

"It's my birthday Saturday, and it's tradition for the Alpha of the Black Lake Pack to organize a festival for the pack members. This, to show gratitude to the pack for their following, listening, and trusting their Alpha. To give back, so to say."

"I think it's absolutely wicked," Tyra said with her mouth full. She took a sip from her water and continued, "I have never heard of an Alpha making such a... a kind gesture. The King would never, ever do that, let me tell you."

Chuckles went around the table. "Thank you, Tyra," Atlas raised his glass to the warrior.

"Is there anything I can do to h-help?" Niel asked unsurely. He didn't know if it was his place to involve himself in pack matters like this. He still felt like an outsider. But he could see how exhausted Atlas was and if even worse times were to come the teenager wanted to pull his weight wherever he could.


"Of course, you can, Niel. I know a few tasks off the top of my head, for example, helping out with the decorations or in the kitchen. They always need extra hands to put to use there." Katherine answered for her son.

"Mother, I don't-"

"I would love to."

"Excellent, that's settled then."

Niel was unsure about the tasks, unsure of interacting with the pact at all. Nevertheless, he didn't want to disappoint. He wanted to impress, more than anything now he knew this pack would be his home, for how long that ever may be.

Katherine wiped her mouth and settled the napkin on her empty plate. "How about we spend some time together today? We can go through the tasks and I could give you some advice given uncertain times are ahead."

Atlas sighed. He was afraid his mother would traumatize his mate by the duties Niel had to take up on when he was officially the Luna of the Black Lake Pack. "Mother, can you please not."

"What? I am not doing any wrong, am I? I just want to give some knowledge of what it is to be Luna, to pass my wisdom as former Luna to the future Luna."

The Alpha wanted to oppose again when he felt a familiar touch, Niel's hand on his own. They locked eyes. "It's all right. I will be fine," Niel whispered.

Katherine discreetly rolled her eyes, not understanding why her son was making such a fuss. Maddoxe, on the other hand, tried to be as quiet as possible. He knew not to interfere in the matter concerning Niel. Whoever side he would defend, the former Alpha would get into trouble. So he chose to be Switzerland.

Niel had to wait for Katherine after breakfast. She was arguing with her son in a hushed tone. "What have I done now?" The teenager carefully looked around the corner, observing how Atlas stood agitated in front of his mother.

"You know exactly what you have done wrong," The Alpha hissed. "You are pushing him into the very role I don't want him in."

"Then what do you suppose we do with him?" Katherine raised her voice. "He is by nature too weak to protect the pack by strength and force, you cannot deny that, Atlas. And do you think he has enough knowledge or confidence to give this pack guidance and advice?"

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