Chapter 7

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Niel's face paled. "What the fuck did just happen?" He whispered to himself.

As he made his way into his school whispers started to erupt around him. Niel didn't know where to look, or how to act. It was like he didn't know how to function anymore and needed a reset. It also didn't help he had to walk on crutches. He stumbled more than he walked.

Niel kept his eyes down as he entered the big grey building, hoping people would take a hint and leave him alone. His peace was shortly disrupted, however, when he just walked around the corner on his way to his locker.

"Hey Johnson! How is that leg of yours?!" Jasper yelled right from behind him. "Or should I ask how is your boyfriend instead?" An arm was swung over his shoulder and it wasn't Jasper's. It was William's.

William was the tallest and biggest guy in the school and the best defence player on the soccer team. Coach used him mainly as a defence player to scare off the other teams. Although William was still nothing to the werewolves he met over the past couple of days, he was still very intimidating.

"Yeah, how is that boyfriend of yours Othniel?" William taunted.

"He is not my boyfriend, now please, leave me alone," Niel mumbled. His grip tightened around the handles of his crutches.

"Now where is the fun in that? Come on Johnson, admit you are a fagot just like your big brother."

"I am not gay. Now leave me alone," Niel tried to put force behind his words, so he would be taken seriously, but it was a sad attempt and Jasper's clique knew that.

"Whoah," Everybody cheered.

Jasper stalked towards the now slightly scared boy and stood chest to chest with him. Jasper wasn't much taller but he still managed to look down at Niel.

"You know what this town hates even more than fagots," Jasper hummed. "It's lying fagots. So tell me Othniel Johnson how long have you been living this secret life of yours?" Jasper grabbed Niel by his shoulders and smashed him into the lockers. Niel winced and grunted. His body felt battered enough already and he couldn't endure more punches, figuratively or literally. He needed to act and needed to act now. It has been long enough that people were dictating his actions or putting words in his mouth the last couple of days.

Niel knew he had one chance and one chance only. In a split second, he let go of his crutches put his left hand on Jasper's chest to move him back, and used his right fist to punch him in the face. Niel wasn't a big fan of using violence, in fact, he hated it. But he knew that dominance and violence were the only two things Jasper would listen to.

The punch was hard enough to leave an impact on Jasper Anderson's face. A small bust was made into his lower lip. The punch wasn't enough, however. It didn't scare the bully, it only angered him more.

"So you haven't learned your place yet. That's fine, I will show it to you." Jasper whispered. Before Niel could react Jasper had punched him back with twice the force he had. Niel fell down to the ground and screamed out as he landed on his bad ankle. Shortly after something knocked all the wind out of his lungs. It was Jasper's foot kicking him right in the stomach.

Luckily William stopped Jasper from harming him any further.

"Chill man, I think he got enough."

Jasper spit on Niel just before they scattered away afraid teachers might be attracted by the commotion. Leaving the poor teenager alone and in pain.

Students had gathered in the hall where Niel was being bothered, but no one helped him when he got bullied or when he lay there on the ground. It took some time for him to get up. When he had finally both his crutches in his hand again Lucas showed up. The childhood friend heard about the unfortunate interaction as the gossip about Niel spread around like wildfire.

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